Saturday, October 10, 2009

The ignoble peace prize ~ By Joseph Farah

From WorldNetDaily
Joseph FarahBy Joseph Farah Posted: October 10, 2009 ~ 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily Nearly everyone I talked to yesterday had the same reaction when they heard Barack Obama won the Noble Peace Prize for his stunning diplomatic efforts as president in the first nine months of office: This is a satire, right? This is a joke. This is someone's idea of high comedy. This is a "Saturday Night Live" routine that someone mistakenly interpreted as a news story. This is the lead story in the Onion, not the New York Times. Personally, I had to read four or five different news accounts before I believed the report yesterday morning. There was no way this could be true! But, indeed, it was. This is the reality of the now shamefully politically correct Nobel Prize. We should realize this by now. Remember, Jimmy Carter won this award. Yasser Arafat won this award. Kofi Annan won this award. And, yes, Al Gore won this award. So, why should it surprise us when Barack Obama, a new president with no accomplishments to his credit, wins the once-coveted prize. There's just nothing noble any more about the Nobel Peace Prize. They ought to rename it the ignoble peace prize. [CLICK HERE TO READ MORE]
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