Friday, February 20, 2009

EMP attack: Overlooked catastrophe - By Hal Lindsey

Hal's article about the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) weapon, which is created by detonating a nuclear device very high in the atmosphere, is somewhat sketchy about what that weapon can do. Basically, when the weapon is detonated, the pulse of the electromagnetic waves are capable of literally frying any type of unshielded electrical circuit, which includes computer chips - which are now found in vehicles, appliances, civilian or military aircraft, military weapons, and satellites. The area of the affects would be very wide spread. The altitude of the device when detonated will determine the extent of the area affected and carnage below. And this is why the last paragraph of his column makes a lot of sense:
I never thought I would say this, but just maybe this is the reason that in chapter 38 of Ezekiel he predicts that the armies that invade Israel in the last days are all riding horses. Could it be that Ezekiel's prophecy is more literal than any of us dared to believe?
The following part of the column also deserves a minor correction, just to help clarify it:
In an article I wrote for WorldNetDaily in July 2007, I noted a 1998 Iranian missile test that "failed, detonating some 40 seconds after launch after reaching an altitude of 180 miles. This is the approximate ideal altitude to detonate a nuclear warhead for an EMP attack on a country."
As I found out, the article was actually written in July of 2006, called "Armageddon looms large". read more | digg story, submitted by rightwingattila. who beat me to it by just a few minutes! :)

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