Monday, February 16, 2009

Congress' clueless credit system - By Chuck Norris

If our country is to survive, we must elect only those who show proof of fiscal discipline, refuse under all circumstances to increase our national deficit, and who commit to pass and live under a constitutional amendment for a balanced budget. If our incumbents voted for the bailouts, vote them out of office. America, it is up to you. Chuck writes:
How does one fight an administration and Congress that believes "only government" is the answer? Is it really true that in the absence of government intervention and doling out another trillion dollars of debt that our nation would certainly experience an economic holocaust? Former President G. W. Bush pushed the first trillion dollar bailout upon America. Nothing happened. President Obama has now pushed the second trillion dollar bailout upon America. Why should we believe there won't be a third, fourth, fifth or sixth governmental so-called stimulus? What other recourse do they have? [read more]
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