Monday, November 02, 2020

We Are The Leaders We’ve Been Waiting For ~ Ep. 1383 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the stunning election 2020 shift that happened over the weekend. The Democrats, and their media allies, are in a meltdown as they look at the voting data coming in.
Today, I am proud to be an American.  I always am, but today, it's special.  We get to vote.  We get to choose our leaders and representatives.  But, this is even more special this year.  We have a very special opportunity to reelect a man that has fought for us, suffered through all kinds of attacks from the Deep State and national media that does not have our interests in mind.

And when we pray tonight, be sure to be thankful to the Lord for giving us this time to get it right.  We have people that are speaking for us, writing for us, trying to instill the fortitude right now, to be like our patriots that fought off an enemy with the largest military force on the planet at that time, and win our freedom for us.  It is such a blessing to still have the freedoms, at least to be able to speak without the threat of a tyrannical government overlooking every word we say, and putting us in a gulag if we should try to say the things that are not allowed.

I took Dan Bongino's thoughts to heart over the last few weeks, and spent time trying to change the minds, and hearts, of some people close to me.  Trying to change the minds of people that have been so greatly gaslighted (indoctrinated) by mainstream media is not an easy thing to do!  Right?  It's very frustrating.

I will always wonder what it would be like if I could just be able to educate citizens of this amazing country, just so they know what the consequences are if they choose the wrong candidates.  Well, actually, that is something I've been working very hard at, for many years!  

Wait... What?  You mean that I can't do that, because I don't have the creds (credentials) to be of any influence?  Okay, so I have to get past that, don't I.  Yes, I have had to overcome that very YUGE obstacle, at least in my mind!  Seeing my way past that isn't easy, because it is pretty much true, right?

Well, in this episode, I am pretty sure that Dan Bongino was speaking directly to me.  Actually, to all of us out here.  I don't know if I have the creds and ability to go get 10 more, 20 more, people to go vote.  And actually, I don't even know if what I can do here on this blog can get people pumped up to go vote, especially for the right candidate, the one that I know who wants America to be a great country, with the freedoms that we have.

But here I am, doing the best I can with my abilities, to hopefully make a difference.  Why?  Well, if you haven't figured that out yet... I'll put it to you like this:  The Trump reelection needs to not only be certain (after all the court actions), but actually decisive.  There must be no question who won.  Hey, can we do that?

Yes, absolutely!  We can make this the most decisive victory in American history in a Presidential election year.  Folks, this is necessary, as we will only hear all the whining from the Left if it isn't, for many years.  I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't make that very clear.  You can't imagine the damage that could happen to this country, otherwise.

So, if you haven't yet voted, today (Tuesday) will be the day.  You know how all the pollsters, pundits, and political analysts were so wrong in 2016?  Let's send them packing, for sure, this time.  Sound like a plan?  Good.  Now, let's watch what Bongino has to say!

I know, Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here. However, I'm a little nervous when it comes to using Rumble's java script embedding code in my blogs, so that is why I'm still using the YouTube embedded video of the episode so you can see it here on this page. That being said, here is the link to the video of this episode so that you can watch it

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode1383 for related news stories.

Looking for news? The BonginoReport brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

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