Thursday, May 19, 2011

The tyranny of socialization ~ By Patrice Lewis

Naturally, homeschooling parents who want to protect their children from some of the negative socialization that takes place in schools are viewed as sick, twisted and controlling. Apparently, no one has ever bothered to actually ask homeschooled kids whether they regret not mingling with their publicly schooled peers.

Now that my girls are both teens, I believe homeschooling socialization skills are more important than ever. In a few short years, they'll be leaving the nest and facing the job market in the real world. In this tough economy, it's important for young people to possess basic manners, have vocabularies greater than 800 words, know how to dress neatly and speak respectfully, and have solid academic credentials. It is not important that they know how to use drugs, hook up, get on welfare, or create more children to be dumped into school-day care to complete the cycle.

Call me weird.

Are we crazy? Why are we allowing the socialists to socially engineer our children in the public schools to be the way they are, as discussed in this amazing column by Patrice Lewis? Is there a way to stop this nonsense perpetrated by the Left?

Well, of course there is. But do we have the courage to make the necessary changes? What kind of changes would need to be made? An end to public education? Yes! That would be a great start! But just how would we ever get that done? I really don't know. I am not sure any of us know the solution at this time, but, don't you think we should start considering it?

I refuse to say that we can't turn it around. However, to be honest, the situation seems to be pretty bleak. The teachers' unions are very powerful. The Democrats will continue to give them strength by their actions in order to get their votes. Was that not obvious when the State Senate Democrats went AWOL in Wisconsin?

We know what mass "re-education" of the the people, one generation at a time, by "educators" that have been indoctrinated in the left-leaning "higher learning" institutions, will lead to: Tyranny. I'm just sayin'...

The altar of indoctrination ~ By Patrice Lewis

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The tyranny of socialization

By Patrice Lewis

May 14, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

Have you ever noticed that socialization has now become – apparently – the sole and exclusive purpose of education? Every single homeschooler on the planet, it seems, has heard the question: "But what about socialization?" (The proven quality of homeschooling be damned.) The implication is that unless children attend public schools, their socialization skills will atrophy to the point where they will become drooling blobs unable to mingle with their coworkers at a cocktail party when they grow up.

And naturally, the ONLY place where "correct" socialization is possible is in government schools.

We have elevated this mythical necessity for "socialization" into an oracle-like status. What child can exist without government-approved social skills? How will they learn to chat, volunteer, work, shop, date, marry, or partake in any other activity unless they're inculcated with the values taught in school?

Many years ago I heard a radio interview between a homeschooling advocate and a bewildered host who asked that age-old question, "What about socialization?" The guest gave an answer I'd never considered before: "What is the purpose of school? Is it to teach academic basics, or is it to teach socialization?"

The answer, it seems, is very much the latter. To this observation I'll add that the apparent emphasis on socialization is presumably because the public schools are failing in every academic aspect. But since socialization is hard to quantify, it's therefore easy to demand.

An extreme case in point for the emphasis on socialization came out of Quebec recently in which a judge ordered three homeschooled children (ages 5, 7 and 9) into public schools so they could be socialized. In what seems like a tyrannical abuse of power, the judge then ordered the family's 3-year-old son into day care so he, too, could be socialized.

I know nothing more about this particular case except what was reported through the article. But the specifics are not the focus of this column. The tyranny of socialization is.

According to the dictionary, socialization is "a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior and social skills appropriate to his or her social position."

That sounds great. I have no objection to this definition. What I object to is the type of socialization found in public schools with which government officials seem entranced and without which they feel homeschooled kids will be unable to function.


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