Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gandalf Goes to the World Cup

With the Gulf of Mexico quickly becoming an oil bath, I think it's time to lighten things up a little today.

And speaking of Oilbamagate, why haven't they figured out how to plug the hole yet? For heaven's sakes, why haven't they tried filling the hole with ABC gum? Even Obama's kids knew that! And all this to interrupt yacht races and... oh, yeah, Obama's golf game with Joe Biden. Hmmm....

And then there is the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010. Why aren't more people talking about that threat to our freedom? Joe Lieberman wants to give President Oilbama the "Kill Twitter Switch!" Wait, I thought they already had that. Enough with the stupid whale already! And even worse, AG Eric Holder wants to use the Act to kill the Mafia Wars on Facebook before Costra Nostra takes over the country... (He obviously doesn't want to follow in J. Edgar Hoover's footsteps!)

Well, in the meantime, a new issue has risen in the news cycle. It seems that there is a rising threat of vuvuzela terrorism going on at the World Cup soccer tournament in South Africa. A friend of mine that lives in South Africa tells me that people keep thinking that they are hearing swarms of bees... That can't be good. And then there's the threat of a looming worldwide AIDS epidemic because of people blowing each others vuvuzela. Quick, somebody call WHO! Ban the vuvuzela now before this becomes another Illuminati NWO conspiracy theory! Never mind, Alex Jones has it covered...

And speaking of the vuvuzela... I had no idea what it was. It all started with my friend on twitter on Friday, when TXCupCake tweeted "If you don't follow these tweeps, I'll be forced to blow my vuvuzela at you!..." Huh?  Yep, I had to ask... I haven't been following the World Cup soccer thing, (ever!)... And I received the answer quickly from TXCupCake: "@johnny2k Let me warn you.... it's the most annoying (sic) noise in the world... (aside from Hilary Clinton's laugh)"

Now that we have all of the severely serious (or is that seriously severe?) stories out of the way, it's time for my Fathers' Day gift to lighten up your day, DAD! Now, this is what I call entertainment for my father (and even if he has no idea who Gandalf is, he shouldn't feel bad, because I don't have a clue, either!):

Gandalf Goes to the World Cup

June 18, 2010 — The fellowship of the vuvuzela! Middle Earth is preparing for the World Cup.

Video provided by PistolShrimps

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