Friday, October 10, 2008

Letter from a future prisoner - By Janet Porter

I found this column tonight, almost a year after it was written by Janet Folger (now Janet Porter)- or should that be almost two years BEFORE it was written? At the moment most forms of Christianity are illegal in Islamic Nations and Communist nations (i.e. half of the earth). Adherents are imprisoned and/or put to death. Soon Biblical Christianity will be illegal in the Western World. This is because Christianity is about hatred, so they say, i.e. of evil. As child-killing and perversion is law, goodness is criminal. With the election coming in less than four weeks, and with Barack Obama being the Democrat candidate instead of Hillary Clinton, this column should be something to think about. Will we make the "same" mistake by voting for a 3rd Party candidate instead of John McCain, making it possible for Barack Obama to bring about what Janet prophetically wrote about a year ago? You decide!

read more | digg story

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