Saturday, September 18, 2010

A system conceived in failure ~ By Robert Ringer

This morning, I am going to try to do this post a little differently than I have in the past. Change can be good sometimes, right? First, let me me suggest that you read Robert Ringer's column in full by clicking on the link below, and then return to this page to read my analysis.

A system conceived in failure

By Robert Ringer

Posted: September 17, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

Fidel Castro's recent statement that communism doesn't work in Cuba anymore was a stunning admission on his part – kind of a deathbed conversion to the efficacy and morality of freedom and free markets. It was, of course, a horrific blow to the far left, particularly in the United States. Here we are, hurtling full speed toward a communist utopia in America, while Cuba, Vietnam, China and other previously hard-core communist countries are moving just as rapidly toward capitalism.
Castro Criticizes Cuba's Communist System

Video provided by FoxNewsChannel

Some may have warm and fuzzy feelings toward good ol' Fidel, kind of like a Charlie Rangel "retire-in-dignity" thing. But what about the untold numbers of Cubans who have been imprisoned, tortured and executed since Castro's takeover of Cuba in 1959? And the hundreds of thousands of Cubans who had to flee their homeland and leave most of their possessions behind?

If I were a Cuban-American who lost family members – or wealth – during Castro's reign of terror, I would be very angry right now. Fifty years of oppressing an entire nation, and now he says communism doesn't work? Sorry, Fidel, but your old-age enlightenment doesn't bring back all the lost family members and stolen wealth. Nor does it bring back the youth of those who have lived under his oppressive regime for more than 50 years.

Like other communist countries, Cuba will increasingly implement "reforms" that will move it more and more in the direction of freedom and free markets. And, as in most other communist countries that have collapsed under the weight of an unworkable system, Fidel, brother Raul and their fellow thugs will slip into the night and "retire with dignity."
This part reminded me of what my 7th grade "Social Studies" teacher, Mr. Trotter, told us many, many years ago (in the 1960's). He told us that the United States would gradually move toward Communism, or at least more government control of the economy and less freedom for the people, while the Soviet Union would move away from Communism and toward more freedom for the people, and eventually the two superpowers would meet somewhere in the middle. That was very prophetic. However, Mr. Trotter never mentioned what would happen after we met in the middle. Would the United States keep moving toward Communism?
So, where does this leave the Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone crowd? Embarrassed? Never. Leftists have a stand-pat response whenever they are confronted with yet another communist failure. They simply argue that Karl Marx's model has never been implemented correctly, which is why all communist countries have failed.

A nice, convenient excuse, to be sure. But the real reason why every communist regime in history has brought death, enslavement and economic disaster to its people is because communism is a political and economic system that was conceived in failure. Plain and simple, it defies human nature. People – all people – seek to better their existence, and it takes the brute force of a Joseph Stalin or Kim Jong Il to suppress that instinct.

When people are punished for producing, they simply stop producing. Within a few years after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, conditions were so bad in Russia that Lenin was on the verge of being confronted with a counter-revolution.
"Uh, oh, now what do we do?" Lenin was wondering. "Maybe this Marxism thing isn't going to work out so well..." But, Lenin came up with a plan.
To ward it off, he invited Western capitalists to help industrialize the Soviet Union. And, sadly, many major U.S. corporations accommodated Lenin and saved him from his own communist system. (Which leads one to think of Herbert Hoover's all-too-true statement that "The only thing wrong with capitalism is capitalists.")

Dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of "The Gulag Archipelago," explained that without the help of the United States, Russia's communism would almost certainly have collapsed much sooner:
It is American trade that allows the Soviet economy to concentrate its resources on armaments and preparations for war. Remove that trade, and the Soviet economy would be obliged to feed and clothe and house the Russian people, something it has never been able to do. Let the socialists among you allow this socialist economy to prove the superiority that its ideology claims. Stop sending them goods. Let them stand on their own feet, and then see what happens.
Yeah, well, we know how it works. In capitalism, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer! At least that's what Democrats have always told me. In fact, that is what just about everybody tells me that isn't making very much money. However, Robert Ringer tells me a different story. It seems that capitalism is not all that bad for the poor broke masses, especially for those that would LIKE to be do better in life:

Where otherwise well-meaning people get off track is when they buy into the far-left rhetoric that "the poor" are exploited under capitalism. The truth, of course, is that those on the lowest rung of the economic ladder benefit more from capitalism than from any other system, for a variety of reasons.

First, every person is free to take a job at any wage available to him, and, in fact, both employment and wages normally increase in a free market.

Second, in a free society devoid of most government regulations, a person with little or no capital is able to start a business much easier, without the necessity of obtaining a license or having to comply with costly regulations that only large companies can afford.

Third, free-market capitalism keeps prices down, which allows a low-income person to buy things he would not be able to afford in a government-controlled economy.

Fourth, the more profitable a company is, the more it is able to invest in expansion of its business, which results in more employment, higher wages, more products being produced and lower prices – all of which are good for low-income people.
That all seems to makes sense, doesn't it? Of course it makes sense, because it is the way things actually work in economics, despite what some pinhead college professor may have told you. But, unfortunately, some people are harder to convince of the truth. Let's take a look from a different angle:
As a country moves toward socialism (which Karl Marx defined as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism), the only way government can prevent producers from revolting is through the use of force. That is why all socialist/communist revolutions and evolutions end in enslavement and bloodshed.

We see it now in Greece, where the spoiled masses are, in effect, saying to the government: "We don't give a damn if you don't have enough money to pay our entitlements. We want them anyway!"

Right now, the United States is a "mixed-economy" country – i.e., part socialist and part capitalist. But it is now moving rapidly toward more and more government control of both the economy and people's lives.
If Fidel Castro has decided that Communism isn't working in Cuba, do you now see why it is so important for us to move America in a different direction? If Mr. Trotter, the teacher I mentioned above, had realized that America and the Soviet Union were going to end up like each other at some point in time, could he have also believed that America would eventually keep on going toward Communism? Or, did Mr. Trotter hope and pray that America would eventually wake up and realize the direction we were heading wasn't where we would want to go?

It's possible, if that is the case, that America IS waking up. That seems to be what the Tea Party Movement is all about. And not only are we waking up, many people are bothering to get up and do something about it. And you can, too, if you should choose to stay free. We have a chance to get this country back on the right path in just a few weeks. We have the most important election ever facing us coming along on November 2, 2010. It is time to pay close attention to who is on the ballot. It is time to pay attention to the candidates' character. It is time to understand where they stand on the issues. It is time to believe that you can make a difference, and change the direction this country is going, with your vote, and if possible, your assistance with campaigns and/or educating the voters.

You need to make a choice, while you still have the freedom to choose. Just sayin'...

If Americans do not hold the next Congress' feet to the fire and demand that the government get out of people's lives and out of the economy – if they allow the progressives in the Republican Party to co-opt the new tea-party members in the House and Senate – it will surely [b]ring down the curtain on the last best hope of mankind.

Perhaps Don Meredith, of Monday Night Football fame, was prescient when he sang, "Turn out the lights, the party's over." Just the thought of Meredith being remembered as the Nostradamus of our time would be enough to make Howard Cosell turn over in his grave.


Be sure to check out
johnny2k's Tea Party Gear!

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