Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Carrie Prejean talks to Greta "On the Record"; Trump is trumped

From TheREALjohnny2k youtube channel Donald Trump needs to step up to the plate. He needs to support Carrie Prejean, or explain why he isn't supporting her. Did Donald Trump wilt under pressure? That is what I'm thinking. The firing of Carrie Prejean as "Miss California" was totally unjustified and uncalled for. Yes, there were "trumped" up accusations, and a certain segment of society, a small minority, was able to overpower Donald Trump. At least, to me, that is how it appears.
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1 comment:

  1. I would just like to say that this lovely young woman who stood up for what God says in relation to the TRUE definition of marriage? Has been treated so shabbily by a group of haters of all that is pure and Godly in this world. Just because there were no blows exchanged does not make what that Perez Hilton homosexual person did in his verbal abuse against her person any less of a Hate Crime in my opinion!
    They want to institute an ignorant thing such as Hate Crimes-( even for thoughts!) for what has, in effect, been a far less violent or deadly issue than many were led to believe. In fact more people have been killed for other things far more than this they claim. Cases that are, in reality, less than the number of digits on my hands?

    Then I say Carrie Prejean has EVERY right to sue and have arrested Perez Hilton and every other BIGOT and hetero-phobic who has assaulted her good name and reputation over and over again! Yes! Let Carrie consider pursuing this issue and have them up for the Hate Crime against her person. An attack is an attack!Point blank and simple.

    To think that Donald Trump would so easily buckle under homosexual God LESS pressure to do this disservice to this Christian young woman's reputation and good name is mind boggling.

    The devil is taking every advantage he can as he knows his time is rapidly growing ever shorter before he is cast out for Christ's return and His Millennial Reign in which the Theocracy that God had created the earth and had planned for it to be ruled by, will be restored. Through Jesus also-(the 2nd Adam)-will be taken back what the original Adam gave to Satan in the Garden of Eden when he said yes to satan and doubted and rebelled against Almighty God.
    And then finally, after he is loosed fro a little while? Satan. that serpent of old, will forever cast into the Lake of fire burning with hot sulfur forevermore.He, the fallen angels and all who will have chosen to serve Satan instead of God.

    They may choose to have their temporary "delusions, perversions and deceptions now? But not much longer will our Lord tarry with the way this world has gone straight to hell in reference to True Morality as stated in the Word of the Living God.

    No more will any be able to say amongst themselves: "If if feels good I'll do it-and if I like it I'll do it some more" Even as they block out all knowledge of He Who came to earth in the guise of human flesh to give His life a Sacrifice for them, as well as for you and I. They do not want any part of Him. They are blinded by their flesh which they have allowed Satan to gain a stronghold over.

    God Bless Carrie. She's beautiful and kind. The Lord will use her-Already IS using her, to bring Glory to His Holy Name as she said " I will NOT go along with the "god" of this present worlds belief. I Will instead cling to the One I know is true forevermore. The One Who does not EVER Change.He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What He spoke 1,000's of years ago through His prophets-He STILL Means today! Every single word in the Holy Scriptures is God BREATHED.

    God speed Carrie!
