Saturday, June 13, 2009

So when's the revolution? ~ By Patrice Lewis

By Patrice Lewis Posted: June 13, 2009 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 In last week's column, I wrote, "Conservatives are walking a fine line. We need to maintain our gun rights, our justified anger, our vigilance. But we can't lose it, folks. We can't abandon legal and legitimate avenues of change in favor of gunning down abortion doctors or blowing up government buildings. That does nothing but make people furious – with good reason." This was interpreted by many readers to mean the conservative side of our nation should wimpily lay down our arms and accept whatever atrocities the left wants to impose. Some e-mails implied we should start shooting now, before things get any worse. Time to clarify. Let's look at history since, as Patrick Henry said, "I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past." The Revolutionary War, as many people forget, was not a rebellion against a foreign government. It was a declaration of independence from our own government. Chaos, discontent and seething frustration built up and tipped the colonists over the edge. Into this fray stepped a few good men: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington … the list goes on. Now let's look at today. In Flyover Country, there is chaos and discontent and seething frustration. We have tea parties; citizens arming themselves; and literally millions of people protesting government education, interference in private business and of course massive taxation without true representation. We have a myriad of eerie similarities with the events of the late 1700s. So what's missing? Well, how about a few good men? [Continue reading]
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