Monday, January 18, 2021

We Need a Plan. Here it is. ~ Ep. 1436 ~ The Dan Bongino Show

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the stunning new DOJ complaint alleging that a liberal activist was part of the Capitol attack. I also discuss the information likely to come out in the last minute declassification of the Spygate files.

As always, there are parts of Dan Bongino Show episodes that stuck out to me.  In this episode, it was in his last segment.   Nope, it wasn't even when Dan sung the theme song.  No, it was far more serious than that.  What should terrify all of us right now, especially those of us that like to express our thoughts on social media, or in a blog like this one, is that the way the Demonicrats see it, they see no problem with silencing Conservatives and/or Trump supporters.  It's their thing, man.  We recently witnessed the shutting down of a private business that provided an alternative to Big Tech, such as

Technical difficulties?  No doubt!  And it was just so weird that these technical difficulties just happened after Twitter banned President Trump, basically for LIFE.  Not only was there a possibility that President Trump would be speaking to the American people via Parler, but many people that previously made Twitter their home because President Trump was there, were flocking to Parler, too.  Of course, that is lowering Twitter's "daily active users" numbers, thus lowering Twitter's ad revenues, and making Twitter's share holders become a little nervous.

The Demonicrats and their media arm, the liberal Fake News Media (Pravda), are going to have a growing problem in the next few years.  Stories about Biden and Kamala were previously written off as "conspiracy theories" by the media.  What are they going to do when they start coming true, and the American people start remembering that we were warned?  The 2022 midterms would be a gigantic slaughter for the Demonicrats, right?  A truly Red Tidal Wave?  Oh, right, this isn't 2010 any more.  There may not be a "Tea Party Revolution" like there was then.  Why?  Perhaps I am just being paranoid, but is it possible that the Demonicrats will find a way to silence all of us?  How is that surge of freedom loving voters going to get over the "prisoner's dilemma" that Dan discusses in this episode?  Would you be willing to be in the front lines of that information war should we all be purged from social media for saying what we believe, if it doesn't conform with the State?   

For those business owners being shut down by the Covid restrictions, they are finally coming together to fight the government restrictions, because they have to be open so that they can feed their family and pay for their housing rent or mortgage.  They are actually doing it, because they aren't comfortable with seeing their family starve and living in their car (if that is even still available).  But for us, it is just battling the information lockdowns, Twitter purges, or the Parler shutdown.  As Dan will  explain in the last segment, it doesn't just end at the social media sites.  Your email?  Your Fakebook messages to friends?  

So, okay, I totally get it.  Because of the Covid-19 lockdowns, many people are unemployed or losing their businesses, and they're fighting - literally - for their lives, to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads, and a mode of transportation.  But, keeping our freedom should also be one of our main priorities. So, keep in mind what John Matze of said: "We believe privacy is paramount and free speech essential, especially on social media."  Take away those things, and we will lose all economic freedom.  There is only one thing that can replace freedom of any kind, and that is tyranny.  Don't forget that, please.  That's all I can ask you to do.

Because I know that Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here, I am now doing that! It finally came to me how to do it, and I am very pleased, because it doesn't require me to use the JavaScript code to do it! So, when you are watching, you will not be seeing it via again. Nope, not here. Ever!  No more screwtube embedded video here! Forevs! So, it's now RUMBLE all the way, Dan.  For Dan's show page on, click here.

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode 1436 for related news stories.

Looking for news? The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

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