Friday, February 11, 2011

What, me redistribute? ~ By Erik Rush

A key objective of the social engineering implemented by the left through our educational system, the press and the entertainment industry, as well as the encouragement of hedonistic indulgence, was indeed to cultivate a populace that wouldn't hear the hammer blows as the last nails were pounded into America's coffin lid. The abject ignorance of many Americans in the face of such stark evidence – and their vigorous defense of our would-be slavers in some cases – indicates that while this endeavor wasn't universally successful, it did come off pretty damn well. At times, the phenomenon brings to mind stories and films depicting entire populations falling victim to dark magic or sinister alien influence.

If nothing else, the national Republican leadership should place Obama's wealth-redistribution "inconsistency" front and center for the next 20 months. If they fail to do so, they may either be considered fools or suspected as complicit in the campaign to irrevocably undermine this nation. In lying about his comportment as a wealth redistributor and his record on taxes, President Obama has placed a very valuable weapon in our hands.

And we can use every lawful implement of aggression we can get.

Simply said, about everything Obama has ever said is on audio or video. It will be so easy to show Obama's lies or inconsistencies when it comes to the campaign season in 2012. However, the question will still be whether or not those that voted for Obama in 2008 will still have their heads stuck in the sand, or have we had enough pain in this country because of the economy and the wars, will at least some of them actually wake up and listen?


Did Washington green light Mideast uprisings? ~ By Erik Rush

What, me redistribute?

By Erik Rush

February 10, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

I thought I had said all that could be said with regard to the abundance and frequency of President Obama's gross misrepresentations last week – and then his Feb. 6 interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly was aired.
O'Reilly: Do you deny that you are a man who wants to redistribute wealth?

Obama: Absolutely. I didn't raise taxes once. I lowered taxes over the last two years.

Perhaps I ought to be beyond surprise at this point, but I'll admit I was slack-jawed with astonishment. Obama, who has gone on record numerous times advocating redistribution of wealth – from the notorious "Joe the Plumber" footage from the 2008 campaign to his interview faulting the Constitution for not including provisions for same – unequivocally denied supporting this policy.

His words also contradict most of what he's proposed and executed since taking office, since nearly all of his policies, legislation and executive orders have had wealth-redistribution components. In fact, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed last year (and crafted in part by hard-line Marxists) is one of the largest wealth-redistribution plans ever proposed.

As far as taxes go, Obama was compelled to compromise on taxes in the wake of the 2010 midterm election; his intentions were to raise taxes on everyone making over $250,000 a year – people whom progressives label as "the rich." His mendacity was quickly exposed by taxpayer advocacy groups that thoroughly documented the fallacy of his statement.

At times, I find it challenging to convey to my children just how pivotal a time this is. Not that such periods as World War II and the civil-rights era weren't pivotal, but America has never faced a circumstance in which those with a manifestly evil agenda (as opposed to a profoundly flawed one) held high office and wielded so much power. Never before have we had an administration in place with an objective of fundamentally weakening us in every significant area and at a time in which we also face a deadly, intractable, zealous enemy.

You see, it isn't Obama's lies or even Obama himself that is the issue. Yes, it is profoundly sad and decidedly disconcerting that an American – even an American politician – would possess sufficient sociopathic tendencies to make such monumentally false pronouncements on camera, with the existence of evidence to contradict them readily available. What illustrates the dire nature of our situation is the fact that they are not likely to be challenged in any meaningful way.


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