Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beyond conservatism – beyond Reagan - By Joseph Farah

By Joseph Farah March 14, 2009 My friend and colleague Rush Limbaugh is under siege right now from Barack Obama's minions who have placed a target on his back and declared him public enemy No. 1. I can understand why. Rush's program is, in many ways, a beacon of truth and common sense in an age of lies and disinformation. He also commands the largest audience of any dissenter from the path of socialism chosen by Obama's Democrats and cheerleaders in the Big Media. While the Obama crowd is hoping the nation and the world will put behind them Ronald Reagan conservatism, now personified by Rush, they eagerly embrace the failures of the past with a new brand of supercharged Franklin D. Roosevelt-style Big Government. But are those really the only choices facing this nation? Is the choice really between Reagan and Roosevelt? Is the choice between conservatism and liberalism? Or are there other choices we should consider? For a long time, I have tried to get my conservative friends to consider a more ambitious agenda – especially as our nation has drifted further and further from its roots in constitutionally limited government, individual liberty and personal responsibility. While I love Rush and love Reagan, I have to tell you that liberalism is not the only enemy of freedom. We're losing too much ground too fast. We need an offensive agenda to keep America free and prosperous. It's time to realize that even electing another Reagan, if one were on the scene, is not enough to reverse the destruction wrought upon this country's most cherished institutions since he left office in 1989. [Continue reading]
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