Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Kids Belong Back In School ~ Ep. 1297 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the liberal’s real plan to destroy your police department and render you defenseless. I also address the media’s disgusting disinformation campaign on the coronavirus as it relates to your child’s education.
As the title to this episode says, "The Kids Belong Back In School."  This episode begins with Dan's message, and I wholeheartedly agree!  And I really want you to see that segment.  There is a clip that Dan shows an MSNBC (MSdnc) anchor who asks several pediatricians what they think about sending kids back to school.  The anchor's reaction to not hearing the answers he was expecting is priceless.

Yes, the turmoil in this country is tearing us apart.  There are two distinct sides, about the only thing left that is easily distinguishable in these days.  The teachers unions?  Obviously on the side of the Leftist radicals.  They don't truly care about the kids, but themselves, if they are against them coming back to school.  They are against alternative options to send kids to charter schools, and probably homeschooling, which is another viable option for some parents.  And the parents that can't go to work because their children are home all day?  Well, apparently, the Demonicrats are happy about that, too, since a bad economy could result in a Demonicrat win this November.

Actually, we can factor in the anger of parents that are prevented from sending their kids to school, and all of the other things that the Demonicrat governors, legislators, and local politicians are doing which will hurt these folks.  And if you don't see that ground swell of anger, then you are definitely either living in a cave, or worse, watching Fake News media (mainstream media).  As soon as enough people wake up and notice who has been gaslighting us for generations, I think you will see an uprising.  A major uprising; not in the form of violence, but in the form of a voting surge like you've never seen.  That surge will not be from the Demonicrat side as you are being lead to believe with the Fake News "polls." 

Well, at least I don't think the Demonicrats are going to be able to win, not if everybody knows what Joe Biden plans to do.  I really pray that this episode gets spread far and wide, with full-blown viral sharing.  If after you see this segment of the show, and you still want to vote Demonicrat, go right ahead.  You probably won't be able to afford that vacation that was cancelled anyway because of the government shutdowns.  But the clock is ticking. There is not much time until Election 2020.  And I'm doing my best to spread the word.  I thank Dan Bongino for all he does, and all I can do is tell the few thousand people I count as friends, in my personal life and in social media, and that are supporters of President Donald Trump, and pray that they will do the same. 

Information is critical.  It is our counter to the gaslighting by the mainstream Fake News media.  Though it seems like it is sometimes, with some of the social media tyrants trying to silence us, it isn't exactly an asymmetric battle quite yet.  But, we have to unite, and fight back.  There can be no surrender.  Please keep that in mind for the remaining days until the election.

Be sure to see the

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