Friday, July 24, 2020

Liberal Cities Are Melting Down ~ Ep. 1301 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the explosive weekend interview between President Trump and Fox News’ Chris Wallace. I also address the explosion of violence in Portland and the violent leftists behind it.
Attempting to keep these posts written on the day of the show, or the next day, is getting to be a major challenge.  It started last week with the passing of my father, and I managed to do what I could in a relatively contemporaneous way to keep up. However, various things this week that came along has kept me from reaching that goal. There is no doubt in my mind that the readers of this blog would really want to keep up with the show.  And if they depend on this blog to do that, might I suggest that they just go directly to Dan Bongino's youtube channel on their own so that they can keep up? Seriously, I have no problem with that! You can always come back here and check out my posts as you go. There could always be some nugget here that lends another insight to the show episode that you may not have thought of. And seriously, I really think that Dan is quite capable, credible, and honestly one of the best podcasters out there, so he will be keeping you up to date with the information you need to know. So, when I'm behind like I am right now, you will survive. I may survive, too!

I actually did see this episode two days ago. I was going to write about it yesterday, but I couldn't decide where to go with it. Honestly, my mind was in total blank mode, staring at a computer screen, without any ideas coming forth. Authors call it "writer's block." There were so many good segments in this episode, where would I go with it? What is my takeaway? I'll get to that in a moment, as my writer's block diminishes.

Well, today, while listening to the Simon Conway Show on iHeartRadio, I learned something very valuable to know.  Simon had on a great author and novelist by the name of Brad Thor.  One of the highlights of the interview was when Simon asked Brad how he dealt with writer's block.  Brad replied that any author that says they don't ever get writer's block is lying to you.  And then, he provides a great piece of wisdom that I'll never forget, and totally free advice: "Give yourself permission to write a crummy first draft."  I don't know, when you read this piece, you may think that I've posted that crummy first draft.  In a way, you'd probably be right.  But, it is the process of starting it that we can get hung up on, right?  Okay, and so what if I watch the episode a second time, and maybe some segments multiple times.  It was that, "Give yourself permission" thing that gets us by those writer's block moments.  So, now that this problem is in the past, here is what I took away in this episode, and Dan will be glad that a member of his audience gets it.

One of the main themes of the show is that we need to listen to what the politician says.  They will interchange words, like "defund" and "redirect funds," as though we are too dumb to know they are the same thing.  That happened in the video of a Joe Biden interview, where he admits that he would redirect funds from the police, if he was President.  And then there is the video of Ms. Lilith Sinclair who explains how they will destroy... I mean, abolish, the United States as we know it... reading from her latest version of the iPhone, which is a fine product of the free market system of capitalism... Kind of a clear example of how the "soytifa's" are so loyal to their cause, as in frauds, no?  Like Dan says, "Just listen to them.That goes for Ms. Sinclair, Joe Biden, AOC, or any of the people on the left.  They are saying what they want to do to America.  So, if you're okay with voting for people that want to defund (redirect funds from) the police, or destroy (abolish) the United States, you are free to vote for them.  It's still a free country.  For now.

Yes, and I love the many other topics that Dan talks about in this episode, and I'm pretty sure you will too, unless you're a weak, soulless "Soytifa" (which Dan calls the Antifa group).  And I'm really glad that I permitted myself to write this crummy first draft!  Just sayin'...

Be sure to see the

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