Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pelosi Sets Up the Benghazi Circus

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy took the high road in a statement yesterday: "The Republican members of the Benghazi Select Committee welcome our colleagues. ... I respect Mr. Cummings and his work in Congress. I look forward to working with him and the members of the committee toward an investigation and a process worthy of the American people and the four brave Americans who lost their lives in service to our country."

But all indications are the Democrats have no interest whatsoever in getting to the bottom of what happened that deadly night in Benghazi -- not when it could threaten the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton, and leave a bad taste in the electorate's mouth about Democrats no matter who runs.

As I had predicted two weeks ago in a post:
So, of course, Nancy Pelosi and other liberals are trying to disparage the Benghazi Select Committee, as the truth will most likely be very damaging to the Democrats in 2014, and Hillary in 2016...
The Democrats will do all they can to keep us from knowing the truth about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the State Department Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  They have a lot to lose! And their plan now is to derail the hearings anyway they can.

From the article, here are the U.S. Representatives from the Democrat Party who Nancy Pelosi has appointed to the Benghazi Select Committee:
  • U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings. Known for political theater. Most recently, his tantrum during the IRS contempt hearings when he spoke out of turn and got into a shouting match with Chairman Darryl Issa.
  • U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, who has called the GOP's Benghazi probe a "witch hunt."
  • U.S. Rep Adam Schiff, who has called the Select Committee "a colossal waste of time."
  • U.S. Rep. Linda Sanchez, who has also accused Republicans of wasting time on Benghazi.
  • U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth, an amputee veteran of the Iraq war, who has been similarly dismissive.
Well, as they say, every circus needs a clown!  And it looks like the head clown, Nancy Pelosi, picked from the top of the class from the Pelosi Clown School! In case you had missed it, here is Nancy's top teaching tool on being a clown, and how to disrupt the hearings and make a mockery of Trey Gowdy's serious efforts:

Please note:  To see the following video, you must be logged in to Facebook.

Rep. Trey Gowdy will have two challenges now. He will not only be trying to get through the stonewalling from the Obama administration, but also must be able to deal with the five Democrat Clowns that Pelosi placed on the committee.

However, something tells me that Rep. Gowdy will be up for the job. There should not be any doubt that Pelosi's overt strategy of disruption would have been considered by the Republicans on the Select Committee by now. They will be ready for it.

But the biggest challenge will be dealing with the way the mainstream media covers the Select Committee and what the Democrats say. This means that the New Media will have to make sure that we can keep the news from the Benghazi Select Committee balanced. We must be aware of the many distractions that will try to deflect from THIS story.

With all the scandals that keep coming along, I know, our hands will be full. Just know that the Democrats and their friends in the mainstream media are going to be saying: "Move along, folks, there's nothing to see here.

If the Obama media machine concentrates on any story, it will be the VA Hospital scandal.  Do you know why the liberal media can run with that story without damaging Obama or the Democrats?  It is because they will claim, "It's Bush's fault."  Just sayin'...


Pelosi Sets Up the Benghazi Circus
By Boston Herald (MA)

May 22, 2014 6:55 am

From GOPUSA Fresh Ink

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
The Democrats didn't want hearings on Benghazi -- they called for a boycott and called hearings a "waste of time."

And now, with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's appointment of five highly partisan members to the Select Committee who have made their disdain very clear, the Democrats have signaled that not only do they want to make sure these hearings are a waste of time, they will do everything they can to make the hearings a circus.

The Republicans want to know what decisions were made, by whom, that contributed to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack, and who was responsible for the absurd anti-Islamic video cover story afterward. The evidence so far points high up the chain of command in both the Obama White House and the Clinton State Department.

~~~ READ MORE on GOPUSA's Fresh Ink ~~~

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