Sunday, August 08, 2010

A Tea Party Express press conference to fight charges of racism in Tea Party Movement

Well, folks, so much for the Tea Party Movement being racist. I came across this outstanding video (really early) this morning that I enthusiastically encourage you to watch:

Reporters vs. Conservative Black Leaders at Press Conference 8 4 2010

Video provided by HumanEvents

The above video was from a National Black Conservative press conference conducted by The Tea Party Express, one of the nation’s largest tea party organizations, regarding the unrelenting attacks on the tea party movement, including the NAACP resolution that accused millions of tea partying Americans of embracing racism. The press conference was held on August 4, 2010, at the Murrow Room of the National Press Club, in Washington D.C. The press conference was organized by Lloyd Marcus, who is a black Conservative, Tea Party Express spokesperson, and entertainer.

From the website of Lloyd Marcus

"From the very beginning when Rick Santelli’s famous on-air rant helped rally millions of Americans to the tea party movement, the establishment media and liberals across the country have tried to head off the growing citizen involvement in opposing the reckless spending in Washington and the growing intrusiveness of the federal government," said Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party Express spokesperson and leader.

"First, they called us all Astro-turf and not real, but the crowds kept getting bigger. Then they said we were being paid by the Republican Party, which became obviously false as we took on establishment Republicans as well as Democrats. Then they tried to say we were all a bunch of nuts, but when millions of people kept coming, they couldn’t claim everyone was a nut. Now, they are trying to say that we are racist, which is yet another desperate fabrication. We are going to stand up and call on the Left to start sticking to the issues, and stop the name calling," added Marcus.

"In light of the NAACP resolution accusing the millions of Americans who attend Tea Parties of embracing racists, the Tea Party Express is hosting a National Black Conservative Press Conference to speak out against all of the bogus, false and malicious charges leveled against the American people who have rallied to take their country back from the big spending and irresponsible and unconstitutional growth of the federal government. Apparently the NAACP and other groups are afraid to acknowledge the fact that the tea party welcomes people of all races, and is a much bigger and more diverse group than they’re willing to admit," stated Marcus.

Black conservative leaders, organization spokespersons, authors, entertainers and activists from across America will gather in Washington DC to introduce themselves and their individual roles in fighting the good fight promoting conservative principles, values and patriotism within the tea party movement.
The list of featured speakers at the conference was impressive. (You can see the complete list of the speakers at Lloyd's website just  below the quote above.) One of the people that wasn't listed, but that I noticed in the video above, was AlfonZo Rachel of PJTV's ZoNation. Others whom I recognized either in the above video or from the list included Kevin Jackson of TheBlackSphere, and several of WorldNetDaily's great columnists: Herman Cain, Star Parker, Mychal Massie, Ambassador Alan Keyes, and Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.

(There are also several other black conservative columnists that I want to mention to you that weren't listed as featured speakers at the press conference. I would highly recommend that you read their columns: Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, and Ellis Washington.)

So, you see, the Tea Party Movement is not made up with just racist white people as many in the liberal left media would like you to believe. Anger toward Barack Obama is not because he is black. It is his Marxist leanings that many Tea Party people oppose, regardless of the color of their skin. If you happen to hear somebody say that the Tea Party Movement is nothing but a bunch of angry white racists, you might want to refer them to this post. Just sayin'...

Be sure to check out
johnny2k's Tea Party Gear!

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