Saturday, August 07, 2010

Following Superwoman's lead ~ By Robert Ringer

For me, the one thing that Robert wrote that really stood out, practically jumped off the page, is, "Compassion is a good thing, but it's not a collective experience. It's a very personal issue." Those words are the purest embodiment of the true differences in the ideals of progressivism and conservatism. The founding fathers who wrote the Constitution of the United States knew this. They were profoundly aware that once a government took over the job of "compassion" that it would eventually lead to tyranny. And of course, they were right, and we're already seeing the actual results of collective compassion.

And this is why the progressives have made it so difficult for Republicans to have the courage to stick to the Constitution, as Robert explains in this column. The progressives know that they can make their opponents, the conservatives, look like the bad guys in this political climate. They have the liberal press on their side, and believe me, they make use of that asset. The progressives also know that the more people that they have receiving some type of entitlement, the harder it will be for the true conservative constitutionalists to reverse the "progress" made over the last century. We will only find out if that is even still possible if enough truly courageous men and women get elected this year. Just sayin'...

So, the big question remains: If we actually have elections in November, and if Republicans can overcome Democratic fraud and voter intimidation and win both the House and Senate, will enough of them have the courage to stand up and talk tea-party language?

If they are fearful, all they need to do is follow closely behind Superwoman (a.k.a. Michele Bachmann), Jim DeMint, Ron Paul and a host of other tea-party House and Senate members. Bachmann is a woman who never ceases to amaze me with her ability and courage to zero in on the real issues. She doesn't buy into false-premise debates, which drives the far Left crazy. In a recent interview, she said:

"I think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another, and expose all the nonsense that has gone on." The only word I would take issue with is "nonsense." I would be inclined to call it blatant criminal activity. But I agree with her that a tidal wave of subpoenas should be issued.

Along with a growing group of her colleagues, Bachmann not only understands what a majority of people in this country are upset about, she actually believes in the same things they do. But it would all be for naught if she didn't also possess the courage to say what she believes.

By Robert Ringer

Posted: August 06, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

A long-time friend of mine, who retired some years ago after serving as a Republican congressman for 18 years, called me last week. He said he was concerned about protecting his assets in the event the current soft dictatorship in Washington evolves into an out-and-out police state.

During our discussion, I asked him, if the Republicans win control of both houses of Congress, did he believe they would have the courage to seriously start cutting back on entitlements and trying to repeal every unconstitutional bill the Obamaviks have passed? To which my cynical friend responded, "If the Republicans take over the House and Senate, it's not going to make a tinker's dam bit of difference."

He went on to say that one of the hardest realities he had to come to grips with during his tenure as a congressman was that most Republicans lack courage. He said they live in fear of being accused of being calloused, cruel, uncompassionate or – worst of all – racist. When he was a congressman, he was notorious for stubbornly sticking to the Constitution when it came to voting on legislation – which, of course, resulted in his being labeled an extremist.

The recent Senate debate over yet another extension of unemployment benefits was a perfect example of the RINO problem. Most Republicans were careful to say they supported the extension of jobless pay, but argued that the costs should be "paid for" rather than added to the federal deficit.

Attention Republican senators: There is no provision in the Constitution for the government to provide unemployment benefits – period! Yet, this obvious fact was never part of the debate. And so it is with virtually every congressional debate. Such time-wasting debates are almost always based on a false premise – usually that the government has a right to engage in activities that are not spelled out in the Constitution.

In the case of unemployment benefits, the false premise is that Congress has a right to give money to people who are unemployed. The debate then centers around whether the money should be borrowed or printed or come directly from taxpayers in the form of higher taxes, or by cutting an equal amount from some other transfer-of-wealth program. What many Republicans still do not understand is that a majority of Americans (meaning tea-party people) want politicians to abide by the Constitution.

Compassion is a good thing, but it's not a collective experience. It's a very personal issue. To be sure, a majority of Americans are compassionate, but they do not want the government to force them to pay for what politicians think they should be compassionate about.


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