Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Most Disgusting Revelation Yet in the Biden Case ~ Ep. 1374 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the disgusting new revelations in the case against the Biden crime family. Biden should immediately drop out of the race if this new information is confirmed. I also address an astonishing comment by a former Twitter executive regarding Donald Trump.

If true, the information that Dan tells us about regarding what is found on Hunter Biden's laptop is disgusting.  No, make that horribly disgusting.  Nah, I have to go a little further: It's horribly disgusting and very disturbing.  I know, I didn't throw in the part that there would be laws that were broken regarding Hunter's heartbreaking interaction with children that carry extreme criminal penalties. 

Remember that:  If TRUE.  Well, if I were a betting man, I'd say that a prosecutor would have a slam-dunk case, and there would be an end to Hunter's freedom for a long time, and definitely the end of his pop's political "career"... You know, the Big Guy?  Okay, if there were to be some side bets, I'd put a little skin in on the possible links to the human trafficking rings, along with who will be willing to flip on their associates.  Yeah, that's kind of what criminals do, when faced with life sentences or death penalties.

So, pay close attention to how Dan puts it when he discusses what America's Mayor has done.  Rudy Guiliani has turned over the contents of the hard drive that was on Hunter Biden's laptop that was taken into a repair shop in Delaware that he somehow failed to ever pick up. I am pretty sure that Dan used the word, "Grotesque," but I could be wrong, though he uses that word often when trying to portray disgusting things like what might be on that laptop. 

Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney and New York City mayor, confirmed Tuesday night he went Monday to a local police department in Wilmington to report his concerns of children endangerment and sexual exploitation. Giuliani told Just the News that former New York Police Department commissioner Bernard Kerik joined him when he delivered photographs and text messages to the New Castle County Police Department.

"I told them other details about what appears to be an inappropriate sexual relationship," he said in an interview. "They told me it would be investigated."

Okay, I know one thing for sure, following this episode, and what we got out of it:  We are in a true information war.  If the Big Tech companies want to play around with the information, we will find very good alternatives like and  Even if it is by just word of mouth, we can win the information war.  Everybody needs to listen to Dan's podcast episodes, or watch them on Rumble or YouTube, but be informed!  And then do all we can to spread the word, and don't get down and out and give up if some people just won't listen.  Even people in your own family may not want to listen.  That's alright, don't get into a fight with people you love.  Maybe someday, though, they'll find out you were right.  Just sayin'...

  *   *   * 

I know, Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here. However, I'm a little nervous when it comes to using Rumble's java script embedding code in my blogs, so that is why I'm still using the YouTube embedded video of the episode so you can see it here on this page. That being said, here is the link to the video of this episode so that you can watch it on

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode 1374 for related news stories. 

Looking for news? The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

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