Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is GOP planning to 'throw the fight' in 2012? ~ By Eric Rush

There would have to be some questions in your mind as to why Erik Rush would be wondering if the GOP was going to allow Barack Hussein Obama to win four more years.  Why would they purposefully throw the 2012 election?

Though you may doubt that would happen, at least when you read what Erik has to say you will understand why he came to this plausible theory.

I must admit, I had some thoughts that the GOP leadership is trying to throw this election, long before reading Erik's column. I became suspicious initially by the fact that there wasn't an overwhelming amount of support for Herman Cain from the GOP or the "Right" during the devious - and dubious - attack on his personal character. Erik correctly explained it here:

The political right's attempts to throw Herman Cain under the bus in the face of a scandal that was clearly contrived did more to give teeth to this argument than anything I've seen in quite a while. Given the unprecedented enthusiasm Cain was building, one would think that the GOP would have thrown the full weight of its support behind him.
Well, the GOP wasn't going to support Herman Cain: He is too Conservative. Once Cain was hung out to dry, it was open-season on him. The attacks on him began to focus on some of Herman Cain's responses to questions regarding foreign affairs. (I have some thoughts on those "responses," but I will share them in another column.)

But here's what I'm thinking:  Maybe the GOP leaders (Elite) don't think we can win the election. They may be thinking that if one or the other side of the GOP  - progressives (moderates?) or Conservatives - gains too much control, it will divide the Republican party for generations. (Well, so be it, then!)

The good news, there is a way out for us.  If we unite, like the Tea Party did in 2010, we DO have a chance!  How about if we show the GOP elite that they are misguided? We just need a GOP candidate with great Conservative values, and we're not going to let anyone TELL us who it is! I'm just sayin'... 

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Is GOP planning to 'throw the fight' in 2012?

By Eric Rush

November 23, 2011 ~ 1:51 pm Eastern

© 2011

President Obama's political liabilities (both passive and active) are legion, and it should be expected that the establishment press will continue to run interference for him – but why the deafening silence from Republican leaders? Increasingly, Independent and Republican voters are discussing the question of why prominent Republicans and the current presidential contenders aren't chanting Obama's aforementioned political liabilities from the rooftops. From the card-carrying communists in his employ, to his role in catalyzing the "Arab Spring," to his vacationing while the world burns, there is just so much from which to choose. Yet the GOP has missed opening after opening politically.

Many have long considered the likelihood that our country could not have gravitated this far toward becoming a socialist megalith without complicity on both sides of the aisle. The political right's attempts to throw Herman Cain under the bus in the face of a scandal that was clearly contrived did more to give teeth to this argument than anything I've seen in quite a while. Given the unprecedented enthusiasm Cain was building, one would think that the GOP would have thrown the full weight of its support behind him.

Instead, the GOP leadership bailed, and the so-called conservative pundits who limp-wristedly "concurred" that Cain was not "ready for prime time" – especially considering what we have in office now – made me want to vomit.

When I – or colleagues who've come to the same conclusions – postulate the notion that the GOP is planning to throw the fight in 2012 with regard to the presidency, rank-and-file Republicans look at us as though live lobsters were emerging from both ears. It's as implausible to them as Barack Obama being a socialist was to most voters in 2008. Why, they ask, would leaders in the GOP play such a dangerous game with our economy in tatters, our national security on opiates and dedicated agitators fomenting a communist revolution?

Why? Because these faux conservatives fear real conservatives more than they fear communists. What galls is that some among them are prominent figures whom real conservatives have come to trust.


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