Saturday, November 15, 2008

Why the powerful despise Sarah Palin - by Patrice Lewis

Let's face it, those who are in power hate Sarah. They can't handle the idea of a conservative politician who embodies the hopes and ideals of ordinary people. They hate it when someone actually wants to return power and personal liberties to the American citizens. The liberal elitist media and politicians are scared of ordinary people. Patrice explains how Sarah is different from the rest of the crowd in politics, and why there will be a country looking for somebody like Sarah in four years:

But my interest – the one person so far who has jerked me out of my political apathy – still lies with Sarah Palin. One of the reasons Palin intrigues me, beyond the superficial similarities of our ages and our dazzling good looks (ahem), is because I see Palin as being cut from a different cloth. She is a true conservative, not a namby-pamby-kinder-gentler-big-government Republicrat. She's more Libertarian than Republican. I've heard her called the greatest natural politician since Reagan. So when I see someone like Palin give the entrenched officials in Washington a metaphorical kick in the pants, I want to stand up and cheer. I predict that the next four years are going to be pretty bad. We're dealing with one of the worst economies since the Depression – faults of both the Democrats and the Republicans – and we're facing challenges to our personal freedoms like never before. When many people find out what horrific plans are going to be implemented under the new administration, the messianic message is going to fade fast, to be replaced with fear and loathing (at least among those who value independence). And while all this is happening, Palin will be standing, very quietly, in the wings.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard the radio talk show host Glenn Beck give a warning: When you swing a pendulum too far in one direction, it swings back equally far in the other direction. The next four years will bring unimaginable changes. Will we be attacked by terrorists? Will we enter a recession so deep it might be called a depression? Will our pensions and 401(k)s be taken over by the government? Will firearms be taxed out of existence? How far must the pendulum swing to the left before people realize our country can be saved only by embracing the ideals of our Founding Fathers?

read more | digg story Related story: Sarah Palin: Dumb like a fox - by Jane Chastain

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