Sunday, July 24, 2011

A worldwide crisis on my birthday ~ By Victoria Jackson

I said, "Now that America is socialist, where are Canadians gonna go to get famous?! You know, Gilda, Lorne, Ackroyd, Norm McDonald, Michael J. Fox, Martin Short … you have a lot of funny people. Where are they gonna go now?! Capitalism is the only system where people can make a million dollars a week just telling a few jokes."

I asked my limo driver if I could video him and he said no.

I'm worried about this Rupert Murdoch thing. It seems contrived. It reeks of the Obama administration trying to silence the one channel that doesn't worship Obama. If Fox News disappears, freedom of speech is dead. I already have to jump through hoops to find Glenn Beck. I'm jonesing for his 5 p.m. show that doesn't exist anymore.

Well, now I have to shake reality off and go rehearse for the comedy show tonight. Nehemiah 8:10: "The joy of the Lord is my strength."
Should something... I mean, ANYTHING... happen to me in the next few days, be sure to let the authorities know about the following video that I am now going to show you:

I know what happened to the original JFK. He said too much! The only way to silence him involved lead and a patsy. But for this JFK? Me? All "they" have to do is to tell somebody to turn off my blog.

So, at least now you won't be too shocked if I am not seen online for awhile... (Or, I may just take a few days off and enjoy life while I still can! This is such a great cover for a well deserved vacation!)

My message today? Do I really need to explain it? Well, okay, I will. For those of us that love Freedom, we must be very aware that we have to fight tooth and nail to keep it. We must also be aware that we may find ourselves being attacked by those that don't like what we are saying and/or writing. Fighting for freedom may involve paying a price.... and saying a few prayers, down on your knees.

I greatly respect Victoria Jackson's courage to write what she does. The least I could do was to go out on the limb with her. It is why I included the video above, just to say that we can still win if we all gang up on "them."

Don't worry... I'll be back soon!  Nehemiah 8:10: "The joy of the Lord is my strength." Stay strong, we'll see you soon!

A worldwide crisis on my birthday

By Victoria Jackson

July 22, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

I'm standing in line at my bank in Miami wearing my "Hay Un Comunista Viviendo En La Casa Blanca" T-shirt. No one speaks English here. I'm thinking about the recent headline, "The world's biggest economy runs out of cash on Aug. 2." Another crisis our communist president is using for his evil plot to shut America down. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Let's see, there was 1) that flu "crisis" – we were supposed to stop public transportation and flying; remember Biden told us it was unsafe to fly because of the germs? 2) the banking "crisis" – had to urgently pass the "Stimulus" bill and pay off all Obama's supporters … to get the economy going?! 3) the health-care "crisis" – the best health-care system in the world suddenly had to urgently change for some reason, had to get socialized medicine; 4) the oil-spill "crisis" – had to quit drilling! Lose jobs. Depend on foreign, enemy oil; 5) The global warming, I mean, climate change "crisis"! – the government must take our light bulbs away and limit our showers! Windmills now! Solar panels, ASAP! 6) the hacking into the Internet "crisis"! That blonde Swedish guy and Rupert Murdoch! Oh no! Government, please control our Internet and phones!

It's so obvious that Dictator "O" is trying to crash our economy. Hey, Congress, I know what to eliminate to save money: Obamacare! Duh! Aug. 2 is my birthday, so it's weird to hear it on the news all day. I'm still in line at the bank and in a hurry. I have to fly to Niagara Falls, Canada, today to do stand-up comedy with Joe Piscopo and Father Guido Sarducci. My dogs are in my car. I left the air conditioning on for them, so the key is in the ignition, and I'm watching out the window for car/dog thieves.

Sometimes I'm glad that most Americans aren't paying attention. They aren't panicking like he wants them to. Out of 300 million Americans, how many have read the book with all the facts, "The Manchurian President" by Aaron Klein? I'm reading it now and I want to educate everyone, so I'm wearing the Spanish version of my educational T-shirt. On the back, it says, "Votemos Para Sacarlo. Todavia Lo Podemos Hacer?!" This means, "Vote Him Out. Are we still allowed to do that?!"

I approach the young bank teller and she reads my shirt and giggles. I turn around so she can see the back, and a Cuban woman in line reads the front of my shirt and mumbles under her breath, "Don't say that." I mumble back, "I have proof."

I leave quickly because I don't want to start a scene. You see, that's the thing. No one wants to believe it. They are purposefully burying their heads in the sand.

Liberals become conservatives when they get the facts. Hear the story of Anne Marie's transformation:

Video provided by TheUkulelegal on Jul 10, 2011

Now it's sunset and I'm sitting here in Canada looking out the window of my hotel at the gorgeous Niagara Falls. I can't move my eyes away. I haven't done my act in a while. I hope I remember it. I had to get "bra extensions" for my bustier because it wouldn't close in the back! I'd never even heard of them before. Aging. Don't like it.

On the drive from the airport, I asked my limo driver what Canadians think about our new communist president.

He moaned, then said, "I think he's more than a communist. … It's about the whole world."

I said, "You mean like the Illuminati?"

He nodded.


He said, "Yes. They took a poll of all the leaders of all the countries and they asked who they'd pick as a leader if they had to right now. They all answered Obama."


Don't be afraid!
are the MOB
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