Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We Need an Immediate Exit Strategy ~ Ep. 1217 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino or in his show notes:
In this episode, I address the brewing plot by Nancy Pelosi to attack the Trump administration in the middle of a crisis. I also address the exit strategy from this economic shutdown that must be implemented immediately. Finally, I address the latest Moscow Maddow meltdown.
I don't know quite how Dan Bongino does it.  He can pack so much information into one show, it's like he's super-human (that could explain it!).  The incredible amount of work that must take is mind boggling to me.  All of the research it takes, and following media, and seeing what various politicians or media people are doing, it is beyond my explanation.  And that is my point.  It is why I present The Dan Bongino Show on this blog.  It is because many accolades are well deserved.  And keep in mind, he is always working on his books while doing this show.  It's amazing.  Okay, well, enough of my boot-licking, but I really couldn't help myself.

So, in this episode, one of the major subjects that I've had on my mind, is, how are we going to get out of this mess?  I trust the President's judgment on how and when we'll get back on track.  No, if I was listening to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and their Media shills (their allies, like Roswell Rachel), I would be having a panic attack, and start believing their claims that the end is near.  But, I instead feel very good about the Trump administration's handling of the Coronavirus pandemic.  And Dan Bongino lays out an excellent strategy for how we get out of this funk.

I highly recommend checking out the News Picks for this episode, that can be found here.

What Winning this Fight Looks Like ~ Ep. 1216 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino or in his show notes:
In this episode, I discuss what the media, and Pelosi, are trying to hide from you about the Wuhan virus. I also address what winning in this fight looks like on the other side. I address the latest troubling communications to emerge in the Spygate case which should put to bed liberal myths about the case.
I was really mad when I watched the first few minutes of this episode. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who will hopefully not hold the position after the election in November of this year, is already starting the narrative of President Trump not acting soon enough because of denial, and denying medical equipment. Yep.  Another vast investigation, coming our way.

Meanwhile, the media is failing us, terribly.  We, or least some of us, actually trusted the media at one time. We thought they were telling us what we needed to know, and were supposedly giving us accurate and complete information.  Even Dan admits that at one time, he even believed that.  But now? I'll let Dan explain.

So that was what made me so mad in the first several segments.  Dan Bongino is so right!  And there is a lot more that is covered in the episode, you need to watch it all the way through today.  You will understand why when you do that.

For the show notes stories, click here.  And why am I no longer supplying the related stories here?  Mostly because of time. There are many more stories I want to include here on this blog, and time is very valuable right now.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Do you REALLY love America? This is the TEST: A Tale of Two Countries ~ Video by JJ McNown on Fortis Media

From JJ's description of this video:
You’ll often hear it said that both Conservatives and Leftists love America, but they have different ideas of what direction we are to go.

This is not true.

Conservatives and Leftists DO love America, but they love two very DIFFERENT America’s.

Each party is seeking to pull the country in directions that are diametrically opposite from each other.

Which one is Right?


While this video was uploaded to youtube last November (2019), it is so relevant to what has been going on in this country, even now, post-impeachment. This is an important one to watch. JJ McNown explains the differences between liberty and freedom. I pray that many people will see this video, and understand the importance of the election in November of 2020! We must limit the number of Demonicrats (my justified word for "Democrats") who are elected to go to Washington, or run your state.

We saw what happened in 2018 when voter apathy among the Conservative voters, who failed to see the harm in not voting, or what the Left would do to the President, specifically, when they took back the U. S. House of Representatives. The Progressives must be voted out of office this year, even if it is a primary that takes out the incumbent and replaced by a LESS Progressive Demonicrat.

So, do your part, now, by watching the entire video, and make sure you get this Fortis Media video shared as often as possible.

Do you REALLY love America? This is the TEST: A Tale of Two Countries

Panic Merchants and Hysteria Traders are Everywhere ~ Ep. 1215 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the hidden pork in the “stimulus” bill which will infuriate you. I also address a real plan going forward which would save our economy and our children’s prosperity. I discuss the media panic merchants and their latest lies and distortions designed to spread hysteria.
As you watch this episode, I am sure you will also be asking questions. One being, who the heck is going to pay for that $2.2 Trillion "stimulus" bill? Our children, grandchildren, AND great grandchildren? But along the way, is there ever going to be some point where the U.S. is not going to be able to borrow money without a gigantic interest rate? Well, that is how it works in the real world. As Dan reiterates all of the time, "All debts are paid."

There will be a big reward for those of you that stick through the whole episode. Dan explains the bed "quitters" principle, where some people can not control their emotions, and they panic. Those that can control their emotions will be much more able to FIX THE PROBLEM, rather than get hysterically panicked with the situation. So, just because I'm not writing a long essay about this episode, it is because I want you to see it for yourselves. That is the responsible thing for me to do. Kind of like "social distancing" is the right thing to do. Oh, and I am even skipping doing the related stories from the Bongino Show Notes this time, too. There is a much easier way to see all of the stories. Just go to the page, by clicking here. Only one extra click for you, and hours of work saved for me, so I can keep getting content out, and stay up to date.  Problem fixed.

Panic Merchants and Hysteria Traders are Everywhere

Sunday, March 29, 2020

It ALL Was Leading Up to 2016 ~ Video by JJ McNown on Fortis Media

From the video description on the Fortis Media channel:
You can put up with somebody who annoys you, but you CAN’T put up with somebody who is attacking you.

You can put up with someone who disagrees with you, but you CAN’T put up with someone who is trying to harm you.

You can put up with ideas that don’t directly effect you, but you CAN’T put up with ideas that implicate you.

You can put up with a worldview that leaves you alone, but you CAN’T put up with a worldview that hurts you.

People can generally live how they want, politicians can generally believe what they want, business owners can generally do what they want, and families can generally raise kids how they want and society can live in relative peace.

However, if rebellious people, or a rebellious political party, INSISTS on bringing their convictions into other people’s personal lives, there will be problems.

Check out this video to hear exactly how this happens.

There was a reason for President Trump winning in 2016 that has spiritual implications. JJ McNown will explain that all, in this video, but you will have to watch it completely to understand his reasoning. You need to hear the context in the first part in order to get what JJ's conclusion is.  It is well worth the time.   I'd love to give you a quick summary, but that was well done by JJ's description above, and I'd have to include a "spoiler warning" if I did.

However, what I do believe to be true, is that by following the reasoning given in this video, the application of it also applies to the election of 2020. With the way the Demonicrats acted while having control of the House of Representatives since 2019, we now see how elections have consequences.  It must change in 2020, because Nancy Pelosi, and the Squad, couldn't stop their bullying of the President, and We the People have gotten down to the end of our wick.  Fortunately, fighting back can be done in the voting booths this Fall. It is not going to end well for the Demonicrats, I assure you. Watch JJ's video, and see if you agree. Actually, I know you will.

It ALL Was Leading Up to 2016

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What Really Happened Last Night ~ Ep. 1214 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the backlash brewing over the faulty “modeling” used to shut down the country’s economy. You’re not going to believe the about-face going on. I also address the trouble hidden inside the “stimulus” bill that passed in the Senate last night.

This was one of the episodes that I had to go over a few times, before I could make a really good pitch here. You might be sitting at home, not at work, watching the kids, and of course, cursing the Wuhan Coronavirus. Or, you may just be bored to tears. I get that. A lot of things in your life that you enjoy aren't possible to do at this time. No baseball games to go see, and not being able to be following your NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament bracket. I get it.  It sucks.

The list of things that we are not permitted to do right now is endless. We must remain to be hostages, in our homes. You must comply. Resistance is futile. We are learning, first hand, how valuable our freedom has been, and what the Founders gave us. We are also learning how quickly freedom could be taken away from us; for our own good, of course.

So, I did learn a few interesting things while watching this episode. Strangely, I had never heard of "Hobson's Choice," until Dan brought it up.  The President is faced with choices that are really no choice at all!  The media is attempting to paint President Trump into a corner with a "Hobson's Choice":  Either shut everything down and people suffer with not being able to work, or do nothing, and people die.  The worst part of that is, the MSM will attack him for either choice!

Continuing on from there, Dan fills us in on the "modeling problems."  There is a problem there. A big problem.  What President Trump may have been told by advisors may have not been accurate.  Because of the extreme importance of the data coming in, we may see that there may have been an extreme amount of media hysteria when it comes to what is really happening.  I tend to find myself thinking from the perspective of how many catch the flu, and many die, but yet, about half of us do not get the flu inoculation shots.  Is that not weighing the risk of going on with your life, and taking your chances? People always do that, too.

Despite knowing the risk of doing something, like skydiving and not having the parachute open in time, or at all... people go on doing things.  You know how it is, when you're thinking about doing something, and people tell you, "That's so risky!"  We weigh the benefits to the risk, don't we?

Well, anyway, you'll find out a little secret in this episode, and I'm not telling you what it is.  That's my big pitch of the day, to get you to click on that play button.  Only just a little clue:  Certain people that hate President Trump, and are suffering from massive amounts of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), like Level 6, seem to already be in the process of developing their next "story" (as in, "a story," and not "the story") and I bet you can guess who the players are in that next plot!

Okay, just to play with your head a little bit today, here is your Hobson's Choice:  Watch the video below, or just stay ignorant and uninformed, and be a good little sheep.  Nope, nothing to see here.  That is definitely what those on the Progressive side would want you to choose.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Congress's relief bill may stop the next Great Recession, but at a cost ~ By Bruce Yandle ~ Washington Examiner

Coronavirus exposes the problems and pitfalls of modelling ~ By Ian Sample ~ The Guardian

After Last Pandemic, Task Force Advised Obama to Avert Shortage of Masks ~ By Fred Lucas ~ The Daily Signal

New jobless claims soar to record 3.3 million as coronavirus wreaks havoc on economy ~ By Jay Heflin ~ Washington Examiner

The modern free market is making this plague almost tolerable ~ By Washington Examiner, Editorial

Friday, March 27, 2020

At Last, Some Good News ~ Ep. 1213 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal about the Wuhan Virus which questions everything. I also address the continued misinformation and hysteria campaigns being waged by the liberal media. Finally I discuss a critical Supreme Court ruling on racial discrimination and a disastrous decision by the Democrat Nevada Governor.

This part did me in. While I absolutely loved the whole episode, and had some really laughing out loud momemts (that's LOL for you youngsters out there), there was a segment that seriously got me teared up and cleared my sinuses, if you know what I mean.  And I seriously hate to admit it when my eyes well up... has to be allergies, or something like that.  No, it was so much deeper than that.  I am here, not knowing if I will ever get to see my dad again.  My dad turned 100 years old in November, 2019.  He is in a memory care unit.  He is in a locked down nursing care facility.  He is used to seeing me and my siblings quite often, and now we can't see him.  Will he even remember us now?  I don't know... what can I say?  It's even hard for me to keep writing at the moment...

So at last, there is good news.  Researchers in the medical world have determined, possibly, that the number of deaths among the infected may not be as high as once thought.  Not when the entire population of an area is tested, and more people test positive but yet show minimal symptoms, and survive the illness.  So, there is that.

Just before that final segment that was somewhat emotional, Dan discussed that disgusting Governor of Nevada,  Steve Sisolak. Yes, he's a DEMONICRat.  He is barring the use of the malaria drug, Chloroquine, or more specifically, Hydroxychloroquine, which President Trump mentioned that has promise.  Should you not at least wonder, why?  I do, and I am pretty sure that most of us know the answer to that question.  Because, that would give the President a win?  Gov. Sisolak, if you happen to see this post, you need to know that you will be held responsible for not allowing a life-saving medication from being used.  As Dan says, everybody in Nevada needs to be ringing his bell... I mean, the phones in his office.  Is that something that I'd want to be remembered for if I was a governor?  Nope, not so much.

Well, pretty much the same advice should go out to the morons in the mainstream media.  Their misguided attacks on the President will be remembered, and probably spoke of in the history books.  And hopefully, in the college "journalism" schools, eventually.  You see, some of us dopey people out here are actually on to you.  Dan Bongino put it very well in one of the segments... You should watch this all the way through so that you see that!

Blessed are those of us that know how to use a flashlight, and can shed light on the truth.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

(NOTE: You will have to go to the Show Notes to see the rest of the stories today. It really has been that kind of a day, and I'm sorry. And not all of the stories were really discussed on the show. I just included the stories above that I think you need to know about, if you don't already.)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

“I’m a Christian. How Should I Vote?” ~ Video by JJ McNown on Fortis Media

Seriously! We have needed this guy in so many of the past Presidential elections! Somebody to explain, the Republicans are NOT too far right wing for Christians to vote for. But, any Progressive Democrats are quite a bit too far left to vote for, ever! Who would say such a thing? This young guy by the name of JJ McNown, who's courage I applaud day by day, as I watch his videos. For example, this:
If you’re a Christian, how should you vote?

Though this video will be controversial, I feel compelled to share my convictions on this topic by declaring the only Right way to vote.

The time has come and gone for you to be apathetic towards America’s political process. The events and decisions transpiring on a national level will directly manifest themselves in your own lives, personally.

I hope you enjoy,

I wish I had the talent that this young man possesses. He can inspire us in ways I haven't seen until I came across the videos he has produced. His acute awareness of what is going on keeps me on my toes. I go back through his archives, and see such relative thoughts about what is going on in this country, and what the dangers are that we face. When I see these videos, such as this, I want to leap for joy!

But I also have the dilemma, to choose where I post them. Here, on Time2Escape, or on the Cross Tribe Network, where I post messages that concern just Christians? In this case, there is a definite political message I want Conservatives, and even Progressives, to hear. So, this is where this post landed this morning. Pay attention to what young JJ McNown had to say last November.

Tucker: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine? ~ Fox News Video

I can not stress enough why paying attention to the news is important. Oh, no, not the mainstream media, because they are just going to keep on feeding us the fake news. As our friend Dan Bongino tells us all of the time, the MSM fake news doesn't tell "the story," they tell "a story." Yes, a story that serves their political agenda. Every time.

Well, Tucker Carlson hit it out of the park on his show last night, in his monologue as described in the title. Just why would the media try to discredit something that works in healing people from severe symptoms of this invisible enemy, the China Coronavirus? Could it be that President Trump described, not prescribed, a medication, hydroxychloroquine along with azithromycin as something we could have hope in? Is the liberal wing of the news media so full of TDS, that they would keep people from getting a medication that could save their lives?

Tucker Carlson asks these questions, and gives his analysis, and it is truly brilliant. If people would watch him and turn off CNN and MSNBC, maybe we have a chance to beat this pandemic. And avoid a coming economic apocalypse if we don't get Americans back on their feet, despite what the moron Demonicrats are trying to legislate us into. Just sayin'...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

It’s Official, Trump has Broken the Useless Media ~ Ep. 1212 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the worst fake news story yet, as the media continues to promote insanity and hysteria. I also address the ridiculous pork Pelosi tried to insert in the Wuhan Virus Bill.
Wow, would you look at all those links I've included below, from the show notes?  Yes, make no mistake, it was another jam-packed episode on The Dan Bongino Show yesterday (I know, I'm still a day behind). But, it is so important for me to be able to concentrate on what the episodes are telling us.  You will no doubt see Dan's anger in the beginning of this video. You may see my anger in the content of this blog post. No doubt.

How many of us are screaming, wishing the Demonicrats in Washington, District of Corruption, could hear us?  Why in the world did the Demonicrats throw in all their wish list in this bill now being considered, that is supposed to be helping Americans get through this Coronavirus attack on our economy? So much in that bill goes against just about everything that Conservatives stand for. As I say in my pinned tweet on Twitter, "I do not need the government to legislate my happiness, or for that matter, my misery!!" Believe me! We the People of America do NOT need any of the crap that the Demonicrats crammed into the bill that is supposed to help America, specifically our economy, survive!  It is outrageous! We just need legislation to do what it is supposed to do: Just FIX IT, you Demonicrat morons! It is all we want, and all we need!

I totally understand why Dan Bongino was slightly unhinged today. I am, too! The media and the Demonicrats, propping up Biden? That's practically impossible, so there is their usual fallback: Attack the President. However, thanks to the great commentators like Dan Bongino, and those of us that do what we can to promote them, to get the word out.  I don't think that the American people are all as stupid as they think we are. In fact, we're on top of it! And, be ready, Demonicrats, many of you running for reelection in November are going to be looking for a job. And I kind of hope that many of those in the MSM gaslighting China-propaganda-spreading cohorts are in the unemployment lines along with you.

Sadly, some of the episode had to do with another Joe Biden moment. Seriously? Why are people close to the old former Senator, V.P, and college professor (which never happened), allowing Joe to continue? Are the Demonicrats that worried about Bernie Sanders becoming their nominee? Why? We should all be asking those questions.

Watch this video, and stay tuned to the show. I think that Dan Bongino has a special talent in explaining how crazy things are getting, and that we need to FIX IT. There will be a way to do that, in just a few more months, in an election.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: 'We're going to be fine' ~ By Joe Mozingo of LA Times ~ Yahoo News

Washington Post's Margaret Sullivan calls for media boycott of White House press briefings; China propagandist agrees ~ By Becket Adams ~ Washington Examiner

House Dem Admits They Block Legislation Because ‘We Don’t Want to Give the President a Win’ ~ By Collin Anderson ~ The Washington Free Beacon

13 Key Things to Know About the Senate’s Giant Coronavirus Bill ~ By Rachel Greszler ~ By Rachel Greszler ~ The Daily Signal

Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ ~ By Tobias Hoonhout, of National Review ~ Yahoo News

Nancy Pelosi Proposes 1,400-Page Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Special Interest Goodies ~ By Charlie Spiering ~ Breitbart

Coronavirus Stimulus Offered By House Financial Services Committee Creates New Digital Dollar ~ By Jason Brett ~ Forbes

It’s Time for a Difficult Conversation ~ Ep. 1211 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I debunk the media hysteria and lying about the crisis and the panic it is causing. I also address a troubling tweet by a college professor concerned about “right-wing” websites. Finally, I discuss positive news about this key swing state and the 2020 election.

Once again, Dan Bongino knocks it out of the park. I look forward to these episodes, and I really don't like being behind by one day. I can only imagine what tomorrow's episode will be about, but again, like in this Episode 1211, there will definitely much more to come about the affects that the mainstream media has. It really is about the Fake News gaslighting us, ladies and gentlemen.

Lately, I have had some very deep thoughts about this Wuhan Virus Pandemic, and about it's affects on this country, with our economy, and the psychological influences and overtones on our society, and on America. Are we going to allow this to make us lose hope? Change the way we live? My hope is, you aren't going to let the MSM hysteria negatively influence you. Their story can change 180 degrees on a moment's notice, as Dan shows us in this episode. I really don't believe that we will just give up.

My question continues to be, is the Wuhan Virus really that dangerous, like the flu, to shut down the whole country? Or, did that NSA intel, as Bongino was talking about, show that there was something way worse than what we've been told? Why did it lead to the stock market crash? Was it all a George Soros plan to get the MSM, and their leftist allies in the Demonicrat Party, to destroy our economy?

It sure is funny how my mind functions while watching the Dan Bongino Show. All kinds of profound thoughts that I'm lead to, and that deserve time to contemplate. Toward the end of this episode, Dan talks about this fabulous story about leftist professors and their concerns about their agenda... ehem, I mean their curriculum, being circulated out to "right wing" (Conservative) websites.  Wow, did we see that coming, or what?

With that, let's watch the show!

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Leadership We Need Right Now ~ Ep. 1210 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address new data from Italy which paints a much different picture of the virus crisis. I discuss some likely permanent changes to our country after we clear this crisis. I also address the suspicious reemergence of the Obama “fixer.”
While the media is attacking the President in any way that they can, guess what?  President Trump is finding the solutions to everything that comes our way in the China Coronavirus pandemic.  And meanwhile, the mainstream media is promoting hysteria, including that the naming of the pandemic is racist because of using China or Wuhan in the name, despite the fact that just about all pandemics have been named after the geographical area they apparently originated in.

Being that it was a Friday when this episode was produced, Dan gave us some things to ponder over the weekend, now since past.  One of those things was whether or not certain FDA regulations would be removed to allow medical treatment of Coronavirus patients by using various medications in an off-label way.  That idea was discussed in two other episodes, late last week.  Have you seen Dan's interview with Former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson in EP. 1209, yet? You definitely do not want to miss that one!

Before I got to doing the blog for this episode, I came across a wonderful story via Twitter this afternoon.  There is a huge success story involving that Malaria drug, Chloroquine, or Hydroxychloroquine.  And from what I heard in President Trump's press conference on Monday night, the FDA is going to allow it's use.  What the President did was the leadership we need right now, if we are going to get through this, save lives, and get things back to more like normal.

There is so much more to this episode than I can possibly expound on, and not take another hour of your time.  So, just sit back, watch this episode, and learn.  I'll guarantee that you will again learn, "They all know each other, and they all have something to hide."  And, by the way, you won't be disappointed by Dan's Fake News segment.  Dan does this episode with the usual flair, and his reminder, to allow 72 hours before the story is even close to being complete.  He applied that rule to the very burly stories about elected officials being involved in insider trading based on intelligence briefings.  Yes, you need to see that segment!

A quick note to my readers:  There has been a serious amount of sluggishness related to my internet service, and my computer, in the last few days.  This has drastically reduced my productivity.  I do apologize, but I am sure most people are having their share of internet issues.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Not in the Show Notes: 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Interview With Former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson ~ EP. 1209 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I interview Dr. Ronny Jackson, former White House physician for Presidents Trump, Obama, and Bush.

I will make this intro short and sweet: Watch this! Yes, I had something like tears in my eyes, seeing what this man went through. Please watch this segment. Probably my favorite Bongino Show interview. Priceless!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Ingraham: A dose of reality ~ Fox News Video

From the Fox News Video description:
Our country needs solutions and hope amid the coronavirus crisis and the old bureaucracies have to give way to fast action.
Again, as was pointed out in my previous post, there is need for some positive news in this Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020.  We need it right now.  As Laura mentions in her Ingraham Angle segment, it will require some fast action, and that is where President Trump will get things started, as usual, to expedite the process.  There is a medicine that has a lot of promise.  Despite Dr. Fauci's apparent doubts, Laura points out that the Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin treatment seems to have a lot of promise.

Finally, Some Positive News ~ Ep. 1208 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the likely path ahead for your job and the economy in the midst of the Coronavirus threat. I also address the hapless media and their awful efforts to sell us propaganda from China. I discuss a piece of troubling video about your child’s education and I debunk another liberal myth about the election.
I think that we can all agree that a constant barrage of bad news, from any source, can lead to depression. Depression can lead to health problems.  "We don't need 24 hour doom and gloom," Dan says.  So, in this episode, Dan starts off with positive news, something we all could use some of right now.

Maybe the top take-away from this  episode was when Dan explains that the FDA is doing two things, when there should be just one: Determining the safety of a drug, and determining the efficacy of the drug. The safety of the drug should be their only duty.  The efficacy of the drug, what it is being used for and whether or not it could help in treatment, should be determined by the doctor, with the patient's approval.  In other words, Chloroquine with Azithromycin could be a huge new treatment for Coronavirus, once all the research is in and the FDA approves it for that use.  Also, a new home testing kit may soon be in use, which will help out for those unable to get into the doctor to be tested for Coronavirus, if there are symptoms that the patient has that could indicate being ill with the virus.

And then the segment comes along, where Dan blasts the mainstream media for being such useful idiots for the Chinese propaganda, especially when it comes to NOT naming the Coronavirus, "The China Virus," or "Wuhan Coronavirus," or whatever, because it is "so racist." Dan calls it the "Fake News Block" for the amount of malfeasance that comes from their reporting.  The media on the Left can report news that is never fact checked.  Their lazy base will never do that, but rather, just keep the fake stories (myths) continue to spread, just like the Chinese Coronavirus.  No, we AREN'T going to call it the "Bat Virus" as one useful idiot in the MSM (Richard Engle of NBC) claimed would avoid extreme racism... and that the bat doesn't speak Chinese. Wow...

Highly recommended to depend on Dan Bongino for more upbeat and truthful news, in my humble opinion!

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Not in the Show Notes:

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Who Are The ANGRIEST People in America? ~ Video by Fortis Media

Not that this could ever happen, but given the current situation with the China virus, Covid-19, we may be a long time away from such great events as CPAC. You know, that "social distancing" thing. While this is going on, people will begin taking their classes online at the educational institutions, probably from K-12 to college level. Is that a bad thing? Should that be what we do, too?

This video, that I somehow came across, is from early days (last August 2019) of Fortis Media.  Upon watching from beginning to end, I knew that you'd want to see it, too!

My first takeaway, knowing about Fortis Media and JJ McNown, was just knowing JJ's youth, and how extremely grateful I am that God allowed us to come across this young man in the first place! And that there is a great hope that there are many more young folks of that generation (Gen Z), who can so eloquently explain America's greatness, despite the constant negative barrage from the teachers and professors throughout their educational experience.

But then the big takeaway came while watching the video. While JJ McNown would be a great speaker at a CPAC conference, couldn't we just accomplish that here online? We could try that, can't we? With the current China Virus going on, maybe this is the time to be doing that "distance learning" thing, during the "social distancing" thing, and I can't think of a better time to start.

I am sad to report that I've not heard from JJ McNown for awhile, and there haven't been any new videos on Fortis Media for a couple weeks. Can you all join me in prayers that he is okay, and will resume his wonderful work with his videos, very soon? Thank you.

There’s A BIG Fight Coming ~ Ep. 1207 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address an enormous fight on the horizon that could change the media, and free speech, forever. Everyone is going to have to pick a side in this fight. I also address the latest troubling news about the disastrous collapse of the Mueller probe.

It was a big news day, despite the fact that all we hear about is Corona Virus, China Virus, Media myths about China Virus, and calling it racist to identify it as China Virus, and then all they can do to convince us that America is headed for a recession...

Well, you name it. Especially if it makes President Trump look bad. Remember, it's an election year. Thankfully, Dan announces that he is refusing to do China Virus 24/7, and I applaud that decision.

But along with that opening, Dan plays a video of Joe Biden speaking to a large crowd of zero people, and has a problem with how to end the speech... in front of zero people. (He probably doesn't know that, though.)  You will see that segment early in this episode. However, as Dan promises, he does a reenactment of the scenario at the end of the show. Spoiler alert:  I'll let you see it right now if you want to, but only if you have seen at least the first five or six minutes of the episode.

As always, though, you won't be disappointed with the rest of this episode! I know, it does take time to watch Dan's show. Yep, an hour a day is hard for some people. For me, it is more like three or four hours of time to watch it, digest it, get the show notes articles and links, and then write about it. I'm not looking for a pat on the back, or Dan sending me a check, either. It is for learning, and exposing more and more people to things they need to know. Well, apparently, the time I consume in doing this has reached a good number of readers, and I really feel blessed for being able to do this. Believe me, that is a really good thing at this time! Holy smokes, while "social distancing," I'm actually feeling closer to people!

So, anyway, check this episode out. It is everything that we expect from Dan Bongino, as far as helping us to understand all of this, and get through the mainstream media fake news malarkey. You know, those dang dog-faced lying pony soldiers in the media that seem to think we are just a bunch of mushrooms. We have news for them! Some of us refuse to cower and get on our knees, asking for mercy, and where the heck is the government with my $1000 check? Nope, we're not sheep!

Thank you to Dan Bongino, Dan's wife Paula, and producer Joe. You all make my day! (Sorry, got to end this here, I'm getting emotional... Just sayin'...)

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

First No Collusion, Now No Actual *Russians* in Mueller's Disastrous Russian Collusion Illusion ~ By Victoria Taft ~ PJ Media

Joe Biden Lies About Coronavirus Testing To Make Trump Look Bad ~ By Margot Cleveland ~ The Federalist

Nolte: All the Establishment Media’s Dangerous Coronavirus Lies ~ By John Nolte ~ Breitbart (Not in the show notes, so I saved you the time to find this story!)

Chinese Propaganda Successfully Altering Narrative on COVID-19 ~ By Rick Moran ~ PJ Media

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Most Important News Story You Haven’t Heard ~ Ep. 1206 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the explosive developments in the Spygate hoax involving Bob Mueller and General Mike Flynn. I also address the growing fake news problem in the midst of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic. Finally, I address our level of preparedness in the United States.

Dan begins this episode with a very profound point. This story about the crisis that we are facing is not just about the Coronavirus itself. It is about the way it is affecting the economy of this nation. And, the economy is in a very critical state right now, which will have an affect on everyone, whether they are infected by the virus, or not. That is something to consider. It is truly something that I pray about, that this crisis will reach the end, the outbreak is over, before our nation falls apart.

And while I was watching this great episode, I began thanking the Lord, that I'm pretty much in my comfort zone, that some would call my "man cave," doing what I normally do on a daily basis. I have had no interruption because of the Coronavirus, other than a medical appointment cancelled. I needed gas for the car yesterday, running on fumes. I filled the tank at the lowest price I've seen for many years. My biggest concern yesterday was worrying about the basement flooding because of the rain we would get today. Well, that didn't happen. Fortunately, when my previous computer bit the dust, it was right before all of this started, and I had to use my emergency fund to replace it. Again, thankful to the Lord that the funds were available. Just in time, right before things got started.

Okay, sorry about my short rant there, but it was thought process that Bongino's show brought me to when I saw this episode. For the last few days, my mind has been all over the place. I suspect yours has been, too. But there was one thing that I've been a little upset about lately. It seemed like the information we were getting was somehow conflicting. Well, Bongino to the rescue. On that note, Dan addresses the "Fake News" put out by the Fake News media. You will really want to see that segment. And it is what the lies have been about that prove to be the dumbest things, meant to hurt the President, but hurting all of us instead. Watch, and see if you agree with me.

There's really a lot more I would want to say about this episode, but maybe that can wait until later. I highly recommend that you watch this, and decide for yourselves, what sources you want to go to during these times of trouble. There are some news media out there that can misinform you, so I am hoping that you see that for yourselves.

Oh, one last thing... President Trump, please pardon General Mike Flynn. Yes, Dan covers the latest things about that case, and it just reeks of injustice, that nobody deserves, and especially a great man that served his country with great honor. PLEASE, do it now, Mr. President! WE the People beg of you. And it will not hurt you politically, either, as Mr. Bongino explains so well.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Gutfeld on the debate in times of pandemic ~ Fox News Video

The biggest takeaway from the Demonicrat debate on Sunday, March 15, 2020, is that through all of this, their biggest arguments have been on impeaching President Donald Trump, and deciding on who was the most Progressive, or as I call it, Marxist.

The segment starts out with Greg Gutfeld's commentary, followed by a great discussion with Greg, Kennedy, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters and Dana Perino, regarding who "won" the debate between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Of course, while the debate was going on, the Coronavirus, and the course of action taken by the Federal, State, and local governments, kept on changing the course of our lives in many deep ways.

“Doing Something” Shouldn’t Mean Doing Something Dumb ~ Ep. 1205 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address some of the positive signs emerging in the fight against the Coronavirus. I also address a stunning admission by Joe Biden in the disastrous Democrat debate last night. Finally, I address some of the terrible government proposals to rescue the economy from the Coronavirus downturn, and what we should really be doing.
There is much covered and discussed by Dan Bongino in this episode, and it really isn't something I can easily summarize. Yes, Dan does his very best to inform us in his usual, serious way, and with the normal "nuking their bagels" commentary on dumb "journalists" and Never-Trumpers.

Yes, there are some great highlights that you will want to see, for sure! Of course, as I often advise, it is still best to watch this youtube episode from beginning to end.  But, for example, I especially love the segment devoted to Sunday night's Demonicrat "Debate," with Jo(k)e Biden going after Bernie for the bunch of SuperPacs that are backing him. You have to see it for yourselves! As Dan says about the debate, the best way he heard it described was, "It looked like a fight over a parking spot in a Florida condo association." It was a total disaster, and it wasn't much of a debate. Hey, if you watched it, just remember it as a couple hours of your life that you'll never get back.

So, yes, there was some humor going on in this episode, and now and then, we really need to have something to lighten it up a little, while this Coronavirus crisis continues on.  Dan did his best to do that for us.  But, that may be why when it comes toward the end of the episode, Dan gives us a very serious look at where we are going, and what we are doing, during this trying time. Dan ends the show on this note, from a C.S. Lewis essay about the new dangers of the Atomic Age, and it is why we have to do our best to keep on keeping on:

From the C.S. Lewis Essay, “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948) in Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays
This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Could the 2020 Election Be Postponed? Only With Great Difficulty. Here’s Why. ~ By Alexander Burns ~ Originally on NY Times

McConnell: Senators will 'urgently' consider FISA bill and are 'carefully reviewing' coronavirus relief package ~ By Daniel Chaitin ~ Washington Examiner

C. S. Lewis on the Coronavirus ~ By Matt Smethurst ~ TGC U.S. Edition

About That Explosive Video ~ Ep. 1204 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the blowup on Fox News last night between me and Geraldo Rivera, and what it was really about. I also address the shameless plagiarism of the Trump plan by Joe Biden. I discuss another dreadful lie by AOC on cable news.
Please forgive me for being behind a couple days right now! It has been a busy, and a rough, weekend. Trying to keep my spirits up. Trying to help others keep their spirits up, one person at a time. After watching this wonderful episode of the Dan Bongino Show, I had a really good take away from it. You know how the media is bombarding us, on a continual basis, with more and more bad news? Events shutting down, churches shutting their doors for the normal services, and on and on, it keeps on coming. Who couldn't be depressed by all of this?

While some of us, or all of us, would like to say that it is all nonsense, that the Coronavirus is just a horrible hoax, we also have to consider that maybe there is a clear and present danger. Well, at least from the public panic reaction, anyway!

This is why I highly recommend this episode to you today, even if it is a couple days later than I meant to post it. When you watch the whole episode, I think you'll understand the whole meaning, especially when you get toward the end of it. There is the news about AOC's comment about voter suppression in the Michigan primary. What Alexandria Cortez-Ocassio says in her interview with Bret Baier of Fox News is extremely dumb!  Be sure to see this part of the episode. It will entertain  you!  Maybe a good time for us to cheer up!  As Dan says in his favorite quote, "WAIT! Do not FLEE!"  Yes, we need to understand, our adversaries don't appear to be very smart.  Just sayin'...

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Innocence Slips Away ~ "Time Stand Still" ~ The United States Army Band "Pershing's Own"

I really, really want you all to see this. And hear it. This is amazing that I came across this video. It started off with a young U.S. Army soldier, tweeting out, and following me. Yes, a new account on Twitter, I do screen them before I follow back. But I found some things that really intrigued me, and this blog came from a Tweet that she had retweeted, regarding a song done by The United States Army Band "Pershing's Own". I mentioned to this young woman, that I would check it out. Of course, I was perusing through the account, to verify and confirm, that she's a Good Guy. Well, this was one of the best things that I've seen in a long time. Alisha had sent the video as a tweet, but I easily found it on youtube, to make it possible to share with you. Truthfully, I had never been a "Rush" fan, and never heard of Neil Peart until my roommate told me about him a year or two ago. But, I have to tell you, he was pretty good.

And, you know what? These soldiers can do music! It just shows you, we have a military filled with men and women possessing tremendous talent. Kind of makes me feel pretty safe! Really, this song, it will bring tears to your eyes, it is really that good! Thank you, Alisha Patel!

On January 7, 2020, the music industry lost a giant. Neil Peart, the drummer and lyricist for the band RUSH, lost a three and a half year battle with glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer. Neil will forever be one of the most influential rock drummers of all time. Over RUSH’s 40 year career, his drumming and thoughtful lyrics have been part of the soundtrack to millions of lives around the globe, and his passing has created a huge void.

When SFC Tim Whalen heard the news, he was shocked and saddened. As a lifelong RUSH fan, he felt compelled to do something to honor Neil and the band that has meant so much in his own life. He immediately knew the song “Time Stand Still” would be the perfect choice.

SFC Whalen reflects, "The lyrics to this song have always resonated deeply with me, and they show Neil’s heart. I wanted to showcase the deep humanity he had in his writing. The song is about life moving too fast, due to both things we can control and things we can’t, and the desire to hold onto something just a little longer. This is such a universal message, whether it be children growing up too fast, a loved one dying, or a soldier leaving home wondering if they’ll ever see their family again.”

Neil Peart
September 12, 1952 - January 7, 2020

“Time Stand Still”
Music by Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson
Lyrics by Neil Peart

Produced and Arranged by SFC Tim Whalen

SFC Chris Rettig - Vocals
SFC Tim Whalen - Vocals
MSG Dan Roberts - Piano
SFC Zack Pride - Bass
SFC Matthew Evans - Violin I
SSG Patrick Lin - Violin II
MSG Holly Watters - Viola
SSG Aaron Ludwig - Cello

Recorded and Mixed by SSG Michael Willis
Video by SSG Artie Bowman and SSG Clark McDaniel

Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Facts vs. Fiction Interview with Dr. Centeno ~ Ep. 1203 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I interview Dr. Chris Centeno about Coronavirus facts versus fiction.
Thank you so much, Dan Bongino, for getting this interview and providing it on your youtube channel!

It is the lack of correct information that people have that helps to cause unnecessary panic. Believe me, folks, panic from misinformation is what drove the stock market so far down. Before you read one more newspaper story about the Coronavirus, or listen to one cynical Trump-hating talking head on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, or NBC, or about any Demonicrat, watch this video.

With that being said, I have very little to add, other than this video is VERY informative, without the hype, and Dr. Chris Centeno gives very clear answers to all of Dan's questions. I highly recommend watching this so that you will have the correct information that you need. Also, please share this any way you know how on social media. You do not even have to share it by linking to this post, if you don't want to. You can go directly go to the youtube link if you prefer doing it that way. Just be sure to share it widely! Copy that?


Thursday, March 12, 2020

Take a Stand Against Coronavirus Hysteria ~ Ep. 1202 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the latest key takeaways from the coronavirus outbreak. I also address the hysterical, ridiculous media coverage of the issue. Finally, I address the latest explosive revelations in the Spygate case, which are damning for the plotters.
So, is it just me? After watching Dan's show today, I felt a little more comforted. But, I am still really wondering about things. Like, has media hysteria taken the virus to a more dangerous level because of financial panic in the markets? And, all of the NCAA tournament being cancelled, along with suspended seasons in the NHL and NBA? What I am saying, I know it is serious, but has the fear factor gone up by much more than the Coronavirus actually deserves? Or, will it all prove to be an even larger threat to us than they (the government) are telling us? That has been at the back of my mind all day, and still is.

Late in this episode, Dan talks about the FBI investigation, with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller, knowing that the Russia collusion plot was a total joke. And yet, the hoax was continued. Gen. Flynn, Carter Page, Roger Stone, and George Papadopoulos, all had their lives turned upside down. Yes, just because they were allies of President Trump.

Really, if you are reading and soaking in the media spin, regarding the danger of the Coronavirus, you may want to stop doing that. Yes, I totally respect the danger of the Wuhan Virus, but do we have to necessarily alter our whole lives? We will most likely get through this soon. Do you understand that? For now, we have to get through a temporary situation. We will. Just sayin'...


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Is it Over for Bernie? ~ Ep. 1201 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the fallout from last night’s Democrat Primaries and what it means for the Trump team. I also address the 21 words uttered by the FISA court that destroy silly liberal narratives. Finally, I address the troubling misinformation that continues to flow from China regarding the Coronavirus.
Not suggesting that people should disregard the health risks that come with the Coronavirus, but people can take simple, common sense steps to stop the spread of the virus, and to protect themselves and others that they may in come in contact with, by good hygiene, and staying home when feeling sick. Dan brings to light the number of false news stories that don't provide good information, and mostly add to panic and hysteria. He gives several examples of those stories in this episode.

There are several motivations for the MSM to do such a thing, which as we know, they love doing! First, they can drive up the viewership of their cable channel or newspaper.  But second, the Leftist media can also find ways to make President Trump look bad.  In other words, using "bad news" for politicization by the means of lies and omissions. Or, just by putting the actual truth at the end of the article, where nobody is reading. That's weaponizing a crisis. In other words, "don't let a good crisis go to waste."

And it isn't just the news coverage about the Coronavirus outbreak that they are doing that with. Wait until you see how the media tried to spin the bad news that a FISA court judge slammed the FBI, and that it wasn't just low level FBI agents that were abusing the FISA court!

One of the big topics on the show, though, was about the inability of the Demonicrat Party to be able to defend Joe Biden. That don't want Bernie Sanders to be their nominee. They decided to push out Joe Biden, despite the fact that they can't even let him do more than a seven minute stump speech, and even want to end the normal nominating process, such as the debates, and the voting process in the primaries and caucuses. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, anything that they can do to keep Joe from talking, and displaying what appears to be early onset dementia.

Seriously, as bad as Joe Biden is, the Demonicrats see Bernie Sanders as more of a threat to the Demonicrat Party.  Losing huge in the 2020 election could wipe out the Demonicrat candidates in all the down ballot elections: The U. S. Senate, the U. S. House of Representatives, and all the way down to state and local elections. Seriously, if the Demonicrats actually believe that not nominating Bernie Sanders is the way of preventing that from happening, I'm sorry, but they're delusional!  To think that Joe Biden will somehow be competitive with President Trump, I don't think they've thought this out very well.  I'm pretty sure that President Trump could mop up the floor with Biden in a 5-minute debate segment on one of the Fox News shows.

What I found truly fascinating, like Dan Bongino did, was the segment about "hidden votes."  It is an area of politics that I was unfamiliar with, so it was a learning moment for me. I mention it here, because I bet a lot of folks out there reading this were also unfamiliar with the term.  And there is a big reason why this is so important. While I'll let Dan explain the political science of the "hidden votes," I will mention the ramifications of political rallies, which could have to be suspended during this Covid-19 (Wuhan Virus) outbreak, being very important.  Could that be the reason that the outbreak is being hyped up into the hysteria/panic level?  Is that why your Sam's Club is out of toilet paper and other essentials? They just want President Trump's amazingly successful rallies to stop, because of the low-cost accomplishment of finding those hidden votes? My answer is, "Yes."


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Is There a Light at the End of this Tunnel? ~ Ep. 1200 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

This one starts with an epic introduction by Dan, when he says, "Alright, this is your daily Coronavirus update... Facts, data, no hysteria... If you want hysteria, go to the Drudge Report. If you want facts, go to the Bongino Report." And then the knockout punch comes, and I love it, where Dan says, without a flinch or even a blink, "Tune in to CNN or MSNBC if you want to freak out, and think that the zombie apocalypse is coming tomorrow..."

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube/Bongino:
In this episode, I address the continued misinformation campaign regarding the Coronavirus epidemic. I also address the disturbing attacks by Twitter against the Trump campaign, along with the Trump team’s response. Finally, I address the disastrous Bernie Sanders’s townhall last night.
Okay, let's just get one thing clear. If you have been visiting this blog a lot lately, you've probably noticed something, and you may be wondering, why do I blog so many (well, actually, ALL) of the Dan Bongino Show episodes that I have been watching? Peculiar behavior, you say? Well, it isn't. Let me tell you why I have focused on Bongino. It definitely isn't because I have a crush on him. It isn't because I expect any financial reward, which is probably what the liberals think. Nope, there is no financial reward, not expecting any thing in return. No quid pro quo, in other words! Then, why? One, I enjoy his shows. Two, I learn a lot from his shows. Three, I share the videos, with my perspective, and psychologically attractive promotion, so that YOU will watch these episodes and learn what I've been learning! It is that simple, folks.

I'd be sharing all of Rush Limbaugh's episodes, too, but his content is pay-to-see for the most part. I have no problem with that, and I must admit, I pretty much just listen to his show, and though I'm a Rush 24/7 subscriber, I barely have time to use it.

Doing this kind of thing, though, in order to aptly prepare you for what is out there, is what I really like to do, because it is helping me to learn so much. To learn how to get people to pay attention, and also learn, is a skill that I'm working very hard at learning. And, that is a critical function of mine, in the time I have left to be on this planet at above room temperature, because I know that where this country is going, and what our values are, is strongly motivated by having a granddaughter and children, whom I want to always be free. That's all it's about. And I will keep doing this for as long as I am able.

With all that being said, hey, take an hour, relax, and watch the exciting Episode 1200! What a great milestone, Dan! Thank you, Dan Bongino, for all you do!

Gutfeld on the media and Democrats on the coronavirus ~ Fox News Video

"Never let a crisis go to waste," said Rahm Emanuel. The Demonicrats are taking every possible advantage of that advice, as we see now. Economic crisis and the stock market crash. Coronavirus outbreak crisis. There is no doubt that Greg Gutfeld, on The Five, nails it: "If the media and Democrats hate the current president, then crisis is their tool."

What turned my head today was not the stock market crash, as horrible as that was. No, what I saw that was truly disturbing, were the calls, from the Demonicrats and the left-leaning liberal "mediacrocy" of course, for the President to suspend the MAGA rallies to help stop the outbreak. Okay, that's fine. Then let's cancel the Demonicrat convention in Milwaukee, too! Hey, then, let's suspend the whole election! Maybe that would be the way for the President to flip the whole thing on the Demonicrats and liberal media! That, I believe, would be not letting a crisis go to waste... in their words, not ours.

The Media is NOT Helping ~ Ep. 1199 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

Monday, March 09, 2020

The Media is NOT Helping ~ Ep. 1199 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From Dan Bongino's show description for this episode:
In this episode, I address the outrageous media response to the Coronavirus, which is contributing to the panic. I also address the shameless reintroduction of the false 2016 election narratives by the left.
That, in a nutshell, says it all. Yes, maybe the Election 2020 narrative should be, "The Fake News Virus Strikes Again." Yes, pun intended, indeed. The first takeaway from this episode is that the Left-wing MSM Fake News Media is going all out to make this look like President Trump is failing, and that the Coronavirus outbreak is like President George W. Bush's Hurricane Katrina failures (and I am not here to argue if W failed us, when much blame could be directed toward the leadership of New Orleans and Louisiana). In truth, as Dan will tell us here, Coronavirus is serious, and should not be taken lightly. Yet, when it comes to media coverage, the world is ending, the global economy is going in the tank, and really? The R0 (R-not) factor of their coverage virally influencing the economy negatively is apparently going off the charts!

And in the meantime, the liberal MSM wants to rebuild the credibility of the Steele Dossier, when even the FBI found that the report was garbage, umm, just in time for the FAKE NEWS to be put out in an election year, even as they are aware it was all bogus. That is truly sinister.

But, after watching this episode, I did have some solemn thoughts. Before I could even post this, I watched Tucker Carlson Tonight, and saw some very serious things going on. Can you imagine the depressed fans that may not see the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament this year, if they are cancelled? Think about it, as the thought just struck me, would not the leftists in this country be "praying" for us to become all depressed before November 2020? Like Dan says, this country is all about coming out of major catastrophes, we have a good history of that, and we will again.

I can only add, "Thank you, Dan!"

Saturday, March 07, 2020

The Media Has Abandoned the Country, Again ~ Ep. 1198 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From Dan Bongino's show description of Episode 1198 on youtube:
In this episode, I address the economic impact of the Coronavirus outbreak along with the incredible US jobs report. I also address a stunning piece of information from the FBI that changes everything, yet has received scant media coverage.
Okay, here's the thing. One lowly little deplorable (blogger) waif like me is worth a hundred (or ten thousand) "journalists" in the mainstream media, according to Dan. Well, you'll get the meaning of that in the first few minutes of the video, starting here.

Oh, my gosh, for those "journalists" that are supposed to be so smart, compared to us rubes, not to be able to do simple 7th grade math (giving them the benefit of the doubt as to the grade level), is pitiful. We're the dopey ones? Come on, really? It is so shameful, on so many levels.  But, wait. It gets better. Wait until you see how the New York Times disgustingly tries to ignore the truth that could have been found in 30 seconds, if they looked. That you need to see, which is toward the end of this episode.

There is a segment that I really want you to pay very close attention to. First, Dan explains why it is so important for people to get out and vote in the upcoming Florida primary. The only vote will be on the Presidential races. Dan points out how that will really get under the Demonicrats' skin if President Trump supporters show up in droves, even close to the Demonicrat numbers in a contested primary between Sanders and Biden.

And then Dan discusses the other part about it being 50/50 between Trump and the Demonicrat nominee, Biden or Bernie.  Even though he believes that President Trump WILL win a second term, that should not be taken as a prediction, or for granted, and we all can't ever give up fighting for it.

Here's the major take away from this episode, I believe: Do not ever assume that the President will win. We have to actually go vote in November!  There is an adverse reality that we must face if we don't: A goofy old guy with dementia, or a goofy old guy who's an out and out Marxist, in the White House. Ummm, yeah, you get that, copy that?  Plus, keep in mind the major meltdown the loser liberals will have next November, if we can pull off a major landslide, not just for the President, but down ballot Republicans and retaking the House... and firing Nancy! That would "nuke their bagels" for sure!


Friday, March 06, 2020

Why is the Media Ducking the Biden Trainwreck? ~ Ep. 1197 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

Dan Bongino Show's description of Episode 1197 on his youtube channel:
In this episode, I discuss President Trump’s eye-opening comments last night about Joe Biden and I address the explosive scandal he was referring to. I also address the inside story of the Coronavirus response that the media is largely ignoring.
The Ukrainian Andrii Telizhenko, of Blue Star Strategies. Remember that name. That company was a lobbying firm that was trying to get U.S. lawmakers to make the Burisma Holdings investigations just kind of go away. Of course, that was while Joe Biden was still Vice President for Barack Obama, and Barack's point man for Ukraine, and Joe's son Hunter Biden just happened to have a board position at Burisma. And guess what, Senator Ron Johnson is subpoenaing some memos between Blue Star and Burisma. Oh, yes, Dan hits it out of the park in this segment.

The show started out with Dan providing a lot of information about the President's handling of the Coronavirus, Covid-19. Yes, it IS serious, but the important information that is needed out there is not being provided by the mainstream media. That would make the President look good, like he knows what he's doing, you know. The segment is right at the beginning of the video, so be sure to watch that.

Actually, the part of this episode that I really want people to see, is about Biden vs Bernie. Seriously, Bernie is NOT out of the race. Dan explains it a lot better than I could, so make sure you see that segment.  Just don't take Bernie lightly. And, there will be plenty of Demonicrats that will eventually realize that Joe Biden may not be able to even finish the campaign, and they will have to support Bernie.  It is kind of scary!

Seriously, folks, if you haven't already subscribed to Dan Bongino Show episodes and his newsletter, you have already missed out on a lot. Okay, you have the weekend to start getting caught up. Ready? Go. Get. Started. Now.

Thursday, March 05, 2020

A Political Earthquake Last Night ~ Ep. 1196 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

In this episode, I discuss the surprising results of the Super Tuesday Primaries and what it means for the General Election going forward. I also address a new liberal effort to crush conservative speech on social media. Finally, I discuss another reappearance of this key Spygate player.
While Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were battling it out, a very limited amount of press coverage was on the fact that President Trump was bringing record numbers to the polls in the primaries, where he was the only Republican candidate for President. So, what will that mean in November?

Seriously, Dan is right, I believe. It wasn't about endorsements when Biden seemed to be the winner of Super Tuesday. Dan says it is about momentum. The "Big Mo." The nomination process for the Demonicrat Party is not over, though. But it must be said, however, that Bernie Sanders has lost some ground since 2016. Sorry, Bernie Bros. This may NOT even get to the point of a brokered convention in Milwaukee this July. But maybe, you can find a young Socialist that would want to be on the Biden ticket as VP, knowing that Joe Biden will probably be in full dementia by 2021, and that person would then assume the reigns, assuming that Joe and ??? win. But, is that possible? Mayor Pete, possibly?

In this episode, I discuss the surprising results of the Super Tuesday Primaries and what it means for the General Election going forward. I also address a new liberal effort to crush conservative speech on social media. Finally, I discuss another reappearance of this key Spygate player.
It was kind of a short episode this time. You'll have to stay tuned here, I'm sure Dan will explain where he was. (And I am sure some of you may already know if you are up to date with the latest Bongino episodes! I'm not yet, so, no spoiler alert needed.)

Ted Cruz on how Senate should handle Schumer's 'judicial intimidation' ~ Fox News Video

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz joins 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the government's coronavirus response and Sen. Chuck Schumer's 'unacceptable' comments directed at Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Before Schumer's threats to two Supreme Court Justices were discussed, the conversation began with the actions that President Trump has taken to limit the Covid-19 virus (Coronavirus) infections and deaths in the United States. Sen. Cruz (R-TX) tells the Fox & Friends hosts, Steve and Ainsley, that when President Trump froze civilian air travel to and from China, along with screening and quarantine of travelers coming from China and other areas affected by the virus, very early in the outbreak, that it played a major role in limiting the spread of Covid-19 in the United States.

Then the subject of Sen. Chuck Schumer comes up. While the Senate Minority Leader was clearly intimidating two Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, in front of the Supreme Court, Senator Cruz seemed to go easy on what the punishment would be, when asked by Ainsley Earhardt. Censure of Schumer? Is that all you have, Senator Cruz? It's a federal crime to threaten and intimidate federal officials, isn't it?

If that wasn't disturbing enough, there were people in the Schumer clip holding up signs that read, "Protecting Abortion Access is a Catholic Value," and in small letters at the bottom of the sign, "Catholics For Choice." It is hard for me to even believe any Christian would not value LIFE as a choice! I am praying that those people do not represent a very large percentage of the Catholic church. However, right now, if I was a Catholic, I'd be looking for another Christian denomination, or place to attend church, if the Catholic hierarchy, all the way up to the Pope, doesn't condemn that organization, and excommunicate them.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Establishment Strikes Back ~ Ep. 1195 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

In this episode, I discuss the surprising results of the Super Tuesday Primaries and what it means for the General Election going forward. I also address a new liberal effort to crush conservative speech on social media. Finally, I discuss another reappearance of this key Spygate player.
When leftwing MSM publishes news, they tend to be telling not "the story," but "a story." They not only lie, but they also omit what should be "THE story!" Omissions are just as bad as lies!  We sure seemed to be hearing a whole lot about a "stock market crash," but nothing about when it rebounds! This downturn is most likely very temporary, as will be the hysteria about Coronavirus. Like Dan says, though, I'm not an investment expert, (even though I took an Investments class in college, about 45 years ago...)  Anyway, I digress.  Dan reminds us of how the media will ignore any kind of positive stories that would be helpful to not only the President, but helpful to us!

There is something that I need to mention. I've been faithfully watching The Dan Bongino Show® on youtube, and then posting these shows, and my thoughts on them. I'd love to comment on every segment, but then, that could keep people from going to see the video that I embed in the post. I do worry about that. Sure, I'd like to be able to tell you all that I learned in each episode, but I'm realizing that is totally unnecessary.

The one thing that I do want to accomplish by these posts, is to promote Bongino's videos, and stress that there is so much to learn from them. Dan does not have anything to worry about, I'm not out to steal his thunder. No, I just want to make sure that I do my best to AMPLIFY his reach, and make his thunder as loud as possible, to all corners of this country. I'm doing my best, even if it is just a drop of water in a large ocean. The more people that see his videos, the better the chance of a Donald Trump win in November 2020, and a long period of Conservative government after that.

Always remember my pinned post on Twitter:
"I do not need the government to legislate my happiness, or for that matter, my misery!!"