Saturday, March 28, 2020

What Really Happened Last Night ~ Ep. 1214 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on
In this episode, I address the backlash brewing over the faulty “modeling” used to shut down the country’s economy. You’re not going to believe the about-face going on. I also address the trouble hidden inside the “stimulus” bill that passed in the Senate last night.

This was one of the episodes that I had to go over a few times, before I could make a really good pitch here. You might be sitting at home, not at work, watching the kids, and of course, cursing the Wuhan Coronavirus. Or, you may just be bored to tears. I get that. A lot of things in your life that you enjoy aren't possible to do at this time. No baseball games to go see, and not being able to be following your NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament bracket. I get it.  It sucks.

The list of things that we are not permitted to do right now is endless. We must remain to be hostages, in our homes. You must comply. Resistance is futile. We are learning, first hand, how valuable our freedom has been, and what the Founders gave us. We are also learning how quickly freedom could be taken away from us; for our own good, of course.

So, I did learn a few interesting things while watching this episode. Strangely, I had never heard of "Hobson's Choice," until Dan brought it up.  The President is faced with choices that are really no choice at all!  The media is attempting to paint President Trump into a corner with a "Hobson's Choice":  Either shut everything down and people suffer with not being able to work, or do nothing, and people die.  The worst part of that is, the MSM will attack him for either choice!

Continuing on from there, Dan fills us in on the "modeling problems."  There is a problem there. A big problem.  What President Trump may have been told by advisors may have not been accurate.  Because of the extreme importance of the data coming in, we may see that there may have been an extreme amount of media hysteria when it comes to what is really happening.  I tend to find myself thinking from the perspective of how many catch the flu, and many die, but yet, about half of us do not get the flu inoculation shots.  Is that not weighing the risk of going on with your life, and taking your chances? People always do that, too.

Despite knowing the risk of doing something, like skydiving and not having the parachute open in time, or at all... people go on doing things.  You know how it is, when you're thinking about doing something, and people tell you, "That's so risky!"  We weigh the benefits to the risk, don't we?

Well, anyway, you'll find out a little secret in this episode, and I'm not telling you what it is.  That's my big pitch of the day, to get you to click on that play button.  Only just a little clue:  Certain people that hate President Trump, and are suffering from massive amounts of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), like Level 6, seem to already be in the process of developing their next "story" (as in, "a story," and not "the story") and I bet you can guess who the players are in that next plot!

Okay, just to play with your head a little bit today, here is your Hobson's Choice:  Watch the video below, or just stay ignorant and uninformed, and be a good little sheep.  Nope, nothing to see here.  That is definitely what those on the Progressive side would want you to choose.

RELATED STORIES (in other words, read the show notes!):

Congress's relief bill may stop the next Great Recession, but at a cost ~ By Bruce Yandle ~ Washington Examiner

Coronavirus exposes the problems and pitfalls of modelling ~ By Ian Sample ~ The Guardian

After Last Pandemic, Task Force Advised Obama to Avert Shortage of Masks ~ By Fred Lucas ~ The Daily Signal

New jobless claims soar to record 3.3 million as coronavirus wreaks havoc on economy ~ By Jay Heflin ~ Washington Examiner

The modern free market is making this plague almost tolerable ~ By Washington Examiner, Editorial

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