Saturday, March 21, 2020

Finally, Some Positive News ~ Ep. 1208 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on
In this episode, I address the likely path ahead for your job and the economy in the midst of the Coronavirus threat. I also address the hapless media and their awful efforts to sell us propaganda from China. I discuss a piece of troubling video about your child’s education and I debunk another liberal myth about the election.
I think that we can all agree that a constant barrage of bad news, from any source, can lead to depression. Depression can lead to health problems.  "We don't need 24 hour doom and gloom," Dan says.  So, in this episode, Dan starts off with positive news, something we all could use some of right now.

Maybe the top take-away from this  episode was when Dan explains that the FDA is doing two things, when there should be just one: Determining the safety of a drug, and determining the efficacy of the drug. The safety of the drug should be their only duty.  The efficacy of the drug, what it is being used for and whether or not it could help in treatment, should be determined by the doctor, with the patient's approval.  In other words, Chloroquine with Azithromycin could be a huge new treatment for Coronavirus, once all the research is in and the FDA approves it for that use.  Also, a new home testing kit may soon be in use, which will help out for those unable to get into the doctor to be tested for Coronavirus, if there are symptoms that the patient has that could indicate being ill with the virus.

And then the segment comes along, where Dan blasts the mainstream media for being such useful idiots for the Chinese propaganda, especially when it comes to NOT naming the Coronavirus, "The China Virus," or "Wuhan Coronavirus," or whatever, because it is "so racist." Dan calls it the "Fake News Block" for the amount of malfeasance that comes from their reporting.  The media on the Left can report news that is never fact checked.  Their lazy base will never do that, but rather, just keep the fake stories (myths) continue to spread, just like the Chinese Coronavirus.  No, we AREN'T going to call it the "Bat Virus" as one useful idiot in the MSM (Richard Engle of NBC) claimed would avoid extreme racism... and that the bat doesn't speak Chinese. Wow...

Highly recommended to depend on Dan Bongino for more upbeat and truthful news, in my humble opinion!

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