Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Is it Over for Bernie? ~ Ep. 1201 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on
In this episode, I address the fallout from last night’s Democrat Primaries and what it means for the Trump team. I also address the 21 words uttered by the FISA court that destroy silly liberal narratives. Finally, I address the troubling misinformation that continues to flow from China regarding the Coronavirus.
Not suggesting that people should disregard the health risks that come with the Coronavirus, but people can take simple, common sense steps to stop the spread of the virus, and to protect themselves and others that they may in come in contact with, by good hygiene, and staying home when feeling sick. Dan brings to light the number of false news stories that don't provide good information, and mostly add to panic and hysteria. He gives several examples of those stories in this episode.

There are several motivations for the MSM to do such a thing, which as we know, they love doing! First, they can drive up the viewership of their cable channel or newspaper.  But second, the Leftist media can also find ways to make President Trump look bad.  In other words, using "bad news" for politicization by the means of lies and omissions. Or, just by putting the actual truth at the end of the article, where nobody is reading. That's weaponizing a crisis. In other words, "don't let a good crisis go to waste."

And it isn't just the news coverage about the Coronavirus outbreak that they are doing that with. Wait until you see how the media tried to spin the bad news that a FISA court judge slammed the FBI, and that it wasn't just low level FBI agents that were abusing the FISA court!

One of the big topics on the show, though, was about the inability of the Demonicrat Party to be able to defend Joe Biden. That don't want Bernie Sanders to be their nominee. They decided to push out Joe Biden, despite the fact that they can't even let him do more than a seven minute stump speech, and even want to end the normal nominating process, such as the debates, and the voting process in the primaries and caucuses. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, anything that they can do to keep Joe from talking, and displaying what appears to be early onset dementia.

Seriously, as bad as Joe Biden is, the Demonicrats see Bernie Sanders as more of a threat to the Demonicrat Party.  Losing huge in the 2020 election could wipe out the Demonicrat candidates in all the down ballot elections: The U. S. Senate, the U. S. House of Representatives, and all the way down to state and local elections. Seriously, if the Demonicrats actually believe that not nominating Bernie Sanders is the way of preventing that from happening, I'm sorry, but they're delusional!  To think that Joe Biden will somehow be competitive with President Trump, I don't think they've thought this out very well.  I'm pretty sure that President Trump could mop up the floor with Biden in a 5-minute debate segment on one of the Fox News shows.

What I found truly fascinating, like Dan Bongino did, was the segment about "hidden votes."  It is an area of politics that I was unfamiliar with, so it was a learning moment for me. I mention it here, because I bet a lot of folks out there reading this were also unfamiliar with the term.  And there is a big reason why this is so important. While I'll let Dan explain the political science of the "hidden votes," I will mention the ramifications of political rallies, which could have to be suspended during this Covid-19 (Wuhan Virus) outbreak, being very important.  Could that be the reason that the outbreak is being hyped up into the hysteria/panic level?  Is that why your Sam's Club is out of toilet paper and other essentials? They just want President Trump's amazingly successful rallies to stop, because of the low-cost accomplishment of finding those hidden votes? My answer is, "Yes."


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