Wednesday, May 06, 2020

We Have the Evidence, The Coverup Continues ~ Ep. 1243 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the disturbing effects of the continued economic lockdowns and I interview a business owner who was pulled out of his business in handcuffs for trying to work. I also discuss explosive developments in the General Mike Flynn case. Finally, I address the controversy brewing over the origins of the Wuhan Virus.
Folks, really, listen to me. Our Freedom IS at stake. Yes, it truly is. Small business is the backbone of our national economy in the United States. Small business owners take the risk that they could fail, but they open their businesses anyway, and do their best. There are always going to be those risks, but in most cases, it could be the economy, or possibly their own mismanagement that delay success, or lead to closure.

But, now this, with the Wuhan Coronavirus Shutdown of the U.S. Economy, it is ACTUALLY state governments that have done it to the small businesses, such as the Apex Tattoo Factory, in Apex, North Carolina, owned by "Jax" Myers and his family. A true ma and pa shop. And yes, it was shut down because of the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic, and perhaps an over-zealous policy by the State, and law enforcement officials.   So, Jax Myers decides to go and open his doors, perhaps as a protest. Well, no question that it was a protest, but it was also so that he could provide for his family, and pay his bills.  His arrest was video recorded, and a viral story came from it.

I know that this wasn't the only thing that Dan covers in the show today.  Believe me, the rest of it is great, as always, especially the new information regarding the General Mike Flynn case, but I really wanted to focus on the part about the government-mandated closures of the small businesses, because I know of a lot of people that are in a bad position because of it.  Our future and our freedom are at stake.  I'm afraid that we are approaching the tipping point, which is when we get to the edge of the cliff.  If small businesses end, you can say, "Hello, Socialism."  And, then, goodbye Free Enterprise.

I have no answer, other than to keep voicing our opinions.  It is the only option, other than saying, "I will not comply."  You will see and hear what happened to Jax when he went to that option.

Now, go watch the show.

SHOW NOTES for Episode 1243

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