Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mike Flynn is a Political Prisoner ~ Ep. 1249 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the troubling new revelations about the behavior of the judge in the case against Mike Flynn. I also address the real reasons behind the Democrats’ continued push for lockdowns. Finally, I address troubling new information about this key figure from the impeachment hoax.
It really is harder and harder to count all the scandals in the eight years of the Obama Administration. And I thought it could never get worse than the eight years of the Clinton Administration. Oh, to think, had Hillary Clinton won in 2016, how bad it may have been... But, oops, she DIDN'T win, and we have a great President Donald Trump, who has hired an Attorney General Bill Barr that has a spine. And that Attorney General has a Federal Prosecutor by the name of John Durham that is working with him.
Prosecutor John Durham
Former Obama officials do
not want to see this face
in their peep holes.
That is all good to know, and food for thought. Will there be any arrests of people in the Obama Administration? Nobody can say for sure, but many of us remain hopeful. The only way we can PREVENT any of this from happening again, is if there is any kind of punishment or accountability. (And for the sake of the Liberals out there getting ready to pounce, I am going to keep what I think they deserve to myself.)

Speaking of the Liberals, we should mention the fake news media that did all they could to NOT report the truth about the Russia Hoax, Impeachment Hoax, the entire Joe Biden Ukraine scandal that the Liberal media tools were calling a hoax... Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera. The entire Liberal Media Establishment, that is being controlled by gigantic corporations that are probably being run by the Deep State, do not care about giving you the truth. Ever.

There has been something troubling me. It was something I had written back in 2006. That was nearly five years after 9/11.
As I titled this segment of "Setting the Stage", Part 6 - Could the Eagle Crash and Burn?, I wanted to bring it to your attention how that line, "The enemy has got an advantage when it comes to attacking our homeland - they've got to be right one time, and we've got to be right a hundred percent of the time to protect the American people." That ONE time that the enemy is right could spell the end of this country as we now know it.
What if that enemy wasn't really who we thought it was?  Yes, 19 al-Qaida Islamic jihadist terrorists perpetrated a dramatic and horrible slaughter of Americans, and started an economic slide that began a series of economic stimulus measures (sound familiar?), and got us in to two unwinnable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and all over the Middle East, but were they the terrorists that we had to be concerned with?  Could the real results have been the development of spying capabilities that took away our privacy?  And used against a President, and a decorated General Mike Flynn? And others, like Carter Page?  Just to keep us safe, you know.  Was it just part of "Setting the Stage?"  Just asking for a friend...

Well, as I mentioned, it's food for thought.  And when you get those thoughts, and watch Dan Bongino, as I faithfully did today, I think you'll get even more out of Dan's show today than he was even counting on, if you keep those thoughts in mind.   Right now, life as we knew it is NOT normal.  Nor will I ever call it the NEW NORMAL.  I refuse to do that.  I will not comply.  If I give up, "they" (who ever "they" are) win.

By the way, following Dan's Ep. 1249, there is a short video:  "Don't Let Anyone Dance Alone in the Park"...

Related video: 
Don't let anyone Dance Alone In the Park!

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