Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Independence Day I Dream Of! ~ Video by Mad Liberals

From the Youtube page for Mad Liberals:
We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive.
Today, I share this fantastic video that I found via Twitter for @realDonaldTrump, our President of the United States, for a reason.  Actually for many reasons, but there is one that is very important to me, and to all of us.  Our Freedom is at stake.

Just a half of a year ago, we were all getting ready to celebrate the Holidays with our loved ones.  The economy was booming, and very few of us had any worries of losing our jobs.  In fact, many of us even took jobs on the side, because there was so much demand for labor, and the pay was good.  Or we worked overtime.  Shoot, everything was so good, we had a lot to be thankful for.

A short two months later, everything was changed.  We suddenly found ourselves dealing with an invisible enemy, without much knowledge about it, thanks to the World Health Organization, and China not giving us accurate information.  In fact, as we have learned, while China was keeping it's people from traveling through the country, they were allowing international travel by their people, whether infected or not.

Suddenly, our lives were being changed, usually in draconian ways, depending on what State you live in.  And because of the restrictions on our freedoms, large parts of this country became police states.  If you said, "I will not comply," and opened your beauty parlor or tattoo shop, you would be arrested, or fined.  Drastic measures were taken, and the State governments began closing schools, businesses, churches, and canceling all athletic events.

We asked them how long the restrictions would last, and they told us that the duration would be until we "flattened the curve," meaning that the death rates from Coronavirus begin to level off.  They said it was so that hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed.  But now, many of the government entities, including governors, mayors and county boards, began to try to move the goal posts, and tell us that we must eradicate the Coronavirus before we can go back to work and reopen the economy.

It sure seems like the attack on our freedom, and turning off our economy, IS their goal.  While we hear them saying that "testing" is the answer, maybe what they mean is that they are testing us, to see how much tyranny we'll accept. 

So, think about that.   Those that favor tyranny over us are trying to find out how long they can exert their power over us, before we say ENOUGH!  And no, there won't be some kind of bloody rebellion, like they've told us in the history books about past governments that got out of control.  No, it will be people in the park that go dance with the guy that was dancing alone.  It will be We the People that go ahead and do what we can do.

When I saw this video, I got goose bumps.  I am sure Liberals will say it was a secret signal to us that we should revolt.  For this one time, I can say, they're right, except what they consider a revolt is.  Most likely, they'll only believe that it will be a violent revolt.  That is where they will try to gaslight us, and lie.  No, it won't be violent.  It will only be people that are not afraid to go dance in the park with the others that are doing the same.  If you do, you won't be alone.

Most likely, the local and state governments will arrest and/or fine people, maybe even take away their licenses.  It will sure be fun seeing all of the law suits that will follow! 

So, yes, let's tell the state and local governments that we're done with the lock down, at least by Independence Day, July 4, 2020.  On that day, at the very least, go out and celebrate with neighbors, family, and friends.  Shoot off some fireworks if you can.  (Yes, I live in a city with a Communist mayor here in Eastern Iowa, where they banned fireworks in the city, even though they are legal in the State of Iowa.  Despite that, on the 4th, a lot of fireworks are still going off.)

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