Saturday, May 02, 2020

It’s Worse Than We Thought ~ Ep. 1240 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the astonishing new revelations in the FBI targeting scandal of General Mike Flynn. I also address the cowardice on the left, and their failure to address this grotesque violation of civil liberties.
I could have been outdoors today, in the beautiful sunshine and warm, but not hot, temperature, getting things done, like mowing the lawn that is getting kind of long. No, not because of a lockdown, or self-imposed quarantine, or anything like the "house arrest" that many are going through in the Liberal-run states. Actually, it is because it is Saturday, and still my workweek, trying to get this information out to you. Because it is important! It is to me, for sure, but as Dan says in this episode, it isn't important to Soviet-style Liberals out there that will deny the truth even when it is right in front of them. And then, they will lie to you even when faced with the facts. And they probably even have to lie to themselves when they see their self in the mirror, in order to justify the things they do. Especially when they are involved with the Deep State.

And it's sad, isn't it? That a certain group of people can hate this country so much, and their love of a global government and Marxist goals, consumes them. Not one of them loves us, We the People. Nope. They only love power, and that lust for power justifies their actions that violate our Rights. Yes, Rights, with the capital R. The Rights they gave us in the Constitution of the United States are all about the God-given right to be Free, with Liberty and Justice for All. Regardless of skin color, national origins, religion, or even political or economic doctrine... Guess I better throw in gender orientation, too. As we find out in this episode, there have been far too many outright attacks on these fundamental Rights. What some people have done in the Deep State wing of the FBI and the Special Counsel operations of Robert Mueller shows exactly what we are up against.

If you are one of the Liberals that Dan talks about in this episode, you may not want to read the rest of this post, nor watch the video, because there is a lot of Truth that will come out of this. I'll tell you this, there are a lot of people that will say that not only should many of the bad actors from the FBI and DOJ be prosecuted, that they should probably be punished as traitors. (I'm not going to say out loud what that punishment should be, for pretty obvious reasons.)

If you are getting impatient in waiting for the justice that should be coming, don't you worry, because it is.  Attorney General Bill Barr has a true patriot, and a bulldog, on the case.  John Durham IS investigating.   There will be some people that really do not want to look out of their front door, and see this guy.

I don't want to give it all away, and give you a reason not to watch this episode.  I know I probably do overuse this phrase, but honestly, this may be the most important of all of the Dan Bongino Show episodes that I've seen and shared with you.  And I'm afraid that some of you may be very new to this blog, and may not know a lot about the Gen. Mike Flynn case.  Well, here in this episode, Dan lays it all out for you, kind of like a Cliffs Notes review. Yep, it's sort of cheating, if you haven't been watching in the past; but in this episode, you get the picture of what the Deep State did, and why, how, and when, to try to destroy General Flynn, and attempt to remove our President.

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