Thursday, May 21, 2020

They’re Covering Up For Obama ~ Ep. 1255 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode I address the stunning reemergence of the Obama fixer. I discuss the obvious effort to cover up Obama’s role in the Mike Flynn targeting scandal. Finally, I address the media’s disgusting treatment of the Florida Governor and his efforts to fight the Coronavirus.

Dan Bongino was on fire today, and knocking it clear out of the park. [NOTE: I'm listening to Kenny G's album, "Breathless," as I write this, so that I can remain somewhat calm. Wow, it's been a long time since I listened to Kenny G. It was Q's suggestion, though, and it is helping.] Perhaps saying that Dan was agitated today would be an understatement. In fact, he admits it. And I'll be very honest with you, I'm breathless after seeing this episode, especially in his first segment.  You can see Florida Governor DeSantis' reaction to the media in this segment, or see it here on 

Look, I do need to warn you that Dan goes into some things at the end of that first segment, that some people may disagree with.  I'm almost afraid to tell you this, but if you are a liberal snowflake, you're not going to like this too much.  I can tell you this:  I've been saying the same things about the lockdowns for a month.  There is a very grave danger to turning this country into an impoverished "sh**hole" because we completely destroyed our economy and crushed our freedoms.  Yes, the freedoms that so many people have fought and died for, to protect for YOUR Freedom!  (Don't forget those that fought and died for your freedom, this weekend! And thank all veterans that you know, too!  They will all appreciate it.)

Yes, maybe, it's time to End It. Now.  No more lockdowns.  No more prohibitions to worshiping at the church or synagogue or mosque of your choice.  I think it is up to you to decide if going to a service would not be in your best interest for health reasons.  But, the people have not consented to let little dictators make those decisions for us.  We may have given you (the government) some slack when this all started early in March of 2020.   But some of those in power enjoyed their power so much, that they came up with all kinds of reasons why they continue to keep us from living free.  It just has to end.  Like Dan will tell you, the liberal left is coming close to cracking open that thin layer of crust, holding back the volcano.

I will leave you now so that you can get watching this episode.  There is a great segment about Obama's Fixer.  That would be one Kathryn Ruemmler.  Yes, she's back!  Wait until you hear who she's working with now.  Just don't forget, they all know each other, they all have something to hide, and Barry Obama obviously needs "The Fixer" to keep his vaunted legacy from being tarnished.  (It's already at the landfill, or the dust bins of history, in my humble opinion!)

And I am really looking forward to tomorrow's (Fri., May 22, 2020) SHOWS!  Yes, Dan's regular episode, and then the very special interview with Gen. Mike Flynn's new attorney, who is now working on getting him freed from the hoax charges, which the DOJ has dropped, Sydney Powell.  That's a lot to look forward to!  However, you can kind of get a grasp of the next two episodes by reading this excellent column by Lee Smith.  General Michael Flynn was posing a great threat to Barack Obama, by opposing the Iran deal that Obama had made, and he paid it.

Okay, that's all I got today... That Kenny G album is about done playing.  Just remember, there are rainbows after the storm.

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