Sunday, May 03, 2020

Tucker: Totalitarianism doesn't shock us any more ~ Fox News Video

Never in American history have politicians been more powerful than they are now.
Yes, this is extremely shocking! This will "nuke your bagels" as Dan Bongino would say. Tucker has it right, from beginning to end. One of the best segments of his show I've seen yet, and almost unbelievable the Big Brother allowed it to air. I guess that they are just coming after the "trailer park moms" so far, for arranging a playdate for their daughters, as seen here. Or arresting people for religious services, so religion is under attack.  Or drones flying around, and telling us how to live.  Just how long will it be that they allow our Press to be free?

Tucker has it exactly right. We've slid down the slippery slope, pretty much all the way. Is there any way to get back up that slope, and have our freedom back? Does it just take a health emergency to give governors all the power they have ever dreamed of?  What if a President ever comes along that would like that kind of power, and decides to release another serious virus "accidentally on purpose"?  When will the re-indoctrination and internment camps begin?  These are all fair questions that we should be asking.

Thank you, Tucker Carlson, for your courage to do what most in the press won't do, and speaking up.  You are a true patriot!

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