Sunday, May 31, 2020

Deeply Troubling Video Emerges from the Riots ~ Ep. 1262 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the exploding war between President Trump and the Twitter tech tyrants. I also address the riots in Minneapolis, and the only way to stop them.
As Dan Bongino exposes what the Deep State did to General Michael Flynn, he is also exposing all of the other things that they  - the leftwing media and the Demonicrats - are capable of.  This isn't conspiracy theory stuff, either.  It's just something I've been pondering on since I watched this episode last night, and again today.

I couldn't even express myself in a way to tell you how I'm feeling about all that is going on.  Hey, this is way deeper than I was expecting.  What on earth?  While good things started happening in the Gen. Mike Flynn case, and thanks to former Acting DNI Rick Grenell, a lot of truth is coming out.  Dan covers that very well in this episode.

Now, though, it seems a little like somebody wants to make the President look bad, again.  But in truth, the riots only point to the left, sending in agitators to stir up the violence; property destruction and theft, via the racism excuse.  It does feel like a George Soros scheme.  Just sayin'...

Surely, I'm all wrong.  No?  I know that we were just getting ready to break out of the economic lockdown and overcome the Coronavirus Pandemic and shutdown of what was a fantastic economy.  Lo and behold, along comes another crisis!  I'm tellin' ya, it's getting pretty predictable from the left.  Thanks, Rahm Emanuel: "Never let a crisis go to waste."  That's right on page one of the Marxist playbook!  Or, Saul Alinsky's playbook, "Rules For Radicals."

I know, I didn't write a lot about this episode.  Really, just watch it, you'll get it.  There would be nothing that I could write that would add to it. Only what I wrote above.  And just know it: This is another attack on our freedom.  It's bad enough that the tech tyrants can't leave us freedom-loving Americans alone.

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