Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Biden Bombshell? ~ Ep. 1253 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the emergence of stunning new evidence implicating Joe Biden in a quid pro quo scandal. I also address the FBI hiding this key witness in both the Spygate and Mike Flynn scandals.
It was a total blast watching this episode. I love it when Dan Bongino can cram so much vital information into his hour long show! And I mean that in a very nice way!   But of course, it certainly makes my job harder, because I have more to choose from when writing a little blurb here in my blog, on what I "take away" from the episode. And of course, I don't want to bore you with a page of text that isn't even relevant to the topics that Dan covered.  Oh, by the way, I don't think that Dan comes to my blog every day to see what I thought about the show, or what I had to say regarding any of his topics.  But if he did, I would want him to say, "Hey, Paula, you should see what Johnny2k wrote today about my show!  I think that I'm reaching people!"

Okay, enough with my fantasizing.  It's time to listen to some Andrea Bocelli, and focus here...

Two big topics which were discussed, among a lot more amazing things, were turning on my thinking gears during this episode.  [Nice, Andrea's duet with Celine Dion just came on: "The Prayer"!  Yes, I probably need prayers tonight.]   The first one that got my attention was Dan's thoughts about Attorney General Bill Barr's statements yesterday, about not trying to prosecute either Barack Obama or Joe Biden.  I kind of cheated, and was reading some of the stories in the Show Notes before I watched, and read the column by Andrew McCarthy in National Review.  There is a lot more to the Barr statements yesterday than some people may realize.  So, before you make any solid judgments set in stone about it, read the article and then listen to what Dan has to say about it.  It may not make you happy, but it truly is an honest answer.

And when you really think about it, would you really want our Presidents to be in jeopardy of being arrested every time the party in power changes, just because that other party disagreed with their policies?  Could it be why President Gerald Ford pardoned former President Nixon?  Well, just to reluctantly answer the question, it probably wouldn't be a good thing for the world to see the power of the President to do his job, especially in foreign relations, being under constant scrutiny, in the "criminal" sense. That's probably not ever going to be a wise idea to do that.

When we see a President taking actions that we don't agree with, and even if it seems to be criminal, the better idea would probably be to vote for somebody else in the future.   I know, that just seems so Democratic and easy, but it is why this is the greatest country on the planet.  Only for high crimes and misdemeanors should even impeachment, conviction, and criminal punishment be considered, such as outright, provable beyond a reasonable doubt, Treason.  Then, baby, we'll slap the cuffs on that dirtbag in a heartbeat.  And I get it, a nearly successful political coup by a bunch of whiney crybabies that didn't get Hillary elected, that was about at the tipping point for a whole lot of patriots.

And finally, before I send you off to watch this great episode, please check out the story about Judge Emmet Sullivan's actions to keep the case on Gen. Michael Flynn.  And what Dan has to say about it was brilliant.  It is definitely a stall tactic, based on what I've read and heard from Dan.  Yes, this is one of the topics that Dan discusses today.

Before you get to this episode, though, I really want to ask: Where in the World is "Joe Pientka, the agent who, along with the notorious Peter Strzok, actually questioned Flynn"?  Let us know if you can find him!  Rep. Jim Jordan would like to talk to him.  At the very least, your bagels will get toasted today!

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