Tuesday, December 01, 2020

The Media Refused to Cover This, So We Will ~ Ep. 1404 ~ The Dan Bongino Show

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the dramatic hearing in Arizona yesterday and the intentional media black out. I also discuss another chilling episode where a public figure was caught violating her own edicts.

As Dan will tell you, and often does during his intro segments, it is definitely a packed show today!  He's never wrong, and actually, I think all of his episodes are packed with information that we need, to counter the lies and gaslighting by the fake news organizations in the legacy mainstream media.

And as you will learn more about in this episode, "Fakebook" (actually known as Facebook, but Dan calls it Fakebook, and so will I), uses "fact checkers" from liberal third-party news sources.  So, if you are a Conservative, some liberal is sitting there sifting through your posts and trying to find problems with it, at least "misinformation" in their liberal viewpoint.  Unfortunately, sometimes their liberal bent is so slanted, they actually characterize something as nonfactual or misinformation, when it isn't.  That happened to Candace Owens.  And Candace fought back! And she won!  Just wait until you hear what she claimed, and Fakebook deemed it to be false.  Dan will tell you what it was that she said, and you'll definitely be thinking the factcheckers are working with a double-digit IQ at the best!

Dan's "this will nuke your bagels" segment was a definite "bagel nuker" in this episode!  More evidence from Nevada of the gigantic election malfeasance that went on in November 2020.  Dan explains what somebody could do if they wanted to commit election fraud.  Let's just get right to the point:  The mail in votes, the lack of a requirement for valid IDs to vote, or the lack of signature checking, all things that could and should be fixed, made it so that this election was ripe for massive malfeasance and fraud to take place.

Finally, I want to comment on Dan's segment on the Covid-19 restrictions, and data that may show something different from what we're being told about the lethality of the Corona virus.   You have to wonder about those politicians that restrict our actions, but then they break their mandated restrictions.  If dining out in a restaurant is so dangerous, then why would they do that?  Are they just stupid, or are they lying to us?  It has to be one or the other, right?  I definitely agree with Dan on that!  (You'll have to watch this episode to find out which one Dan thinks it is.)

Because I know that Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the Rumble.com video here, I am now doing that! It finally came to me how to do it, and I am very pleased, because it doesn't require me to use the JavaScript code to do it! So, when you are watching, you will not be seeing it via youtube.com again. Nope, not here. Ever!  No more screwtube embedded video here! Forevs! So, it's now RUMBLE all the way, Dan.  For Dan's show page on Rumble.com, click here.

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode 1404 for related news stories.

Looking for news? The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

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