Friday, December 04, 2020

Exclusive Interview with General Mike Flynn ~ Ep. 1407 ~ The Dan Bongino Show

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this exclusive interview with General Mike Flynn, we cover Barack Obama’s bizarre fascination with Gen. Flynn, Gen. Flynn’s battles to fix the intel community, the 2015 CIS dinner where Lokhova was present, and the real reason Jim Comey targeted Flynn.

From beginning to end, I have to agree that it was definitely Dan Bongino's greatest interview, with probably one of America's greatest heroes, Lt. General Mike Flynn!  

I know that Dan and General Flynn are waiting with bated breath for my commentary on this episode...  Well, no, probably not, but you are!  However, I'm going to flip the script on you today.  I want to know what your takeaways were from this interview episode.  I know that for me, it was in the last segment of the show, when General Flynn was talking about the need for accountability in the government; both in the appointed positions, and in the bureaucracy.  Yes, that massive bureaucracy in this country, where in Big Government, it is just easier for people to blame the folks down the chain of command when things aren't working, and/or go wrong.  And, do you know what?  I would imagine that Gen. Mike Flynn would know how that works, don't you think?  

I remember first hearing about General Flynn on a few tweets I saw on Twitter, back in September of 2019, when I was actually active there... That was before the great Twitter purge of Conservative users of that formerly good service.  I was always seeing that #GenFlynn hashtag, almost as often as the #Q tweets.  And then I discovered the Dan Bongino Show in January 2020, and I was hooked.  I followed Dan's show, and learned a whole bunch about Spygate and the Obama attempt to "cancel" the great patriot, General Mike Flynn.  You will totally understand why General had a target on his back when you see this episode.  You will understand why President Trump pardoned Flynn, and why Obama despised him.

Ultimately, in this interview, we will see the ultimate loyalty that General Flynn has for President Trump.  That should always be the case for people high up in the military to be loyal to the President, right?  But when it was Obama as Commander-In-Chief, who was not in favor of the military, let alone this country, you would think that General Flynn would be very disloyal to the President, but that was never the case.  He wouldn't say anything bad about Obama in public.  He only worked harder to protect our troops in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts by wanting them to have better intelligence, when needed, and that was his goal as a senior intel commander.

There are a few more good tidbits I'd love to discuss about this interview, but I've already gone long-winded mode.  I can only say this one last thing without further ado:  I think that General Mike Flynn agrees with most of us that the election is far from being decided.  When you're watching this interview, please keep that in mind!      

Because I know that Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here, I am now doing that! It finally came to me how to do it, and I am very pleased, because it doesn't require me to use the JavaScript code to do it! So, when you are watching, you will not be seeing it via again. Nope, not here. Ever!  No more screwtube embedded video here! Forevs! So, it's now RUMBLE all the way, Dan.  For Dan's show page on, click here.

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode 1407 for related news stories.

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