Monday, December 14, 2020

The Most Explosive Revelation Yet In The Biden Scandal ~ Ep. 1414 ~ The Dan Bongino Show

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the explosive ties between the latest Hunter Biden email drop, and players tied to the troubling Uranium One scandal.

If you are new to watching Dan Bongino, I'm kind of thinking this episode will rock you to your core.  It will "bake you muffins," as Dan says.  Why?  Most likely, if you just happened to come across The Dan Bongino Show recently, you may not yet be aware of how much the fake news media and Big Tech have suppressed stories about Hunter Biden, as they did when the New York Post stories about Hunter came out.  

For an example, let's say that somebody is perusing through Parler, as a pretty new user, and they see this echoed blog post, and wonder what the "Biden Scandal" is!  I can imagine their surprise when they find out that yes, there were "yuge" scandals about Joe Biden and the lying mainstream gaslighting news media kept on ignoring, and the Big Tech companies like Twitter, Fakebook, and google kept suppressed.  Yeah, that's kind of their bad.  Now, the person that was kept ignorant finds this, and they're asking, "What the hell?" (Their words, not mine!)

Dan, as always, supplies more pieces of the puzzle in this astounding episode.  Believe me, I'm always learning new things about what is going on in this great country.  I didn't learn about the Swamp overnight.  It took years to accumulate what I know now.  I am fully aware that it can be a rough road to go down, and many people are not up to it.  I completely get that.  It takes constant reading and following various news outlets, outside of the mainstream news monopolies.  And countless hours of watching The Dan Bongino Show.  I do it because I want to help others find out what I've found out.

So, come along on the ride.  Watch the episodes that I embed in these issues of this blog.  Don't let Dan's despise of certain folks in the media deter you.  Once you know how much they've been lying to you, you will probably share Dan's disdain for them.  That would be my guess, because I do!  Because, believe me, any time I see some of the liberal news heads talking, my stomach turns.  

But it wasn't Dan that gave me that reaction to the mainstream fake news gaslighters, and it wasn't Rush Limbaugh.  I knew about it way back in the early 80's, discovered completely on my own.  It was scary back then, and it is terrifying now.  Except now, I can discover all my information without a need to watch the Legacy news on CBS, NBC or ABC.  Now, it's all right here on the web, and we can share the info with each other.  It is kind of nice.  And thanks to Dan Bongino, we can learn even more with his brilliant analysis of what is going on!

Because I know that Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here, I am now doing that! It finally came to me how to do it, and I am very pleased, because it doesn't require me to use the JavaScript code to do it! So, when you are watching, you will not be seeing it via again. Nope, not here. Ever!  No more screwtube embedded video here! Forevs! So, it's now RUMBLE all the way, Dan.  For Dan's show page on, click here.

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode 1414 for related news stories.

Looking for news? The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

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