Sunday, April 25, 2010

McCain 2.0 now on sale ~ By Tom Tancredo

My advice to the tea partiers in Arizona: Read this column, and listen to Tom Tancredo! McCain 2.0 is a facade, a superficial appearance or illusion, and is not the real John McCain. Once a RINO, ALWAYS a RINO. Especially with new immigration "reform" to soon be coming possibly after the election in November, you don't want McCain still in the Senate. Also, should he win the nomination in the primary, there's the chance he'd lose the election to the Democrat, as I suspect many tea partier patriots would not vote for him.
Undoubtedly, the toughest obstacle for the McCain 2.0 strategy is the tea-party movement, which is very strong in Arizona. Will tea-party activists and 9-12 patriots play the game?

To deal with this potential threat, McCain 2.0 came up with a strategy that may be working. Friends in Washington who are influential in some of the national tea-party organizations persuaded the Arizona tea-party movement to remain neutral and not endorse any candidate in the Republican Senate primary. Thus, a legion of activist conservative voters who might have rallied to McCain's opponent have been told by their Washington mentors to sit on the sidelines. The problem is the success of that strategy depends entirely on the credibility of McCain 2.0.
By Tom Tancredo

Posted: April 24, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

The real John McCain has been kidnapped and an impostor is running against J. D. Hayworth in the Arizona U.S. Senate primary.

It does sound far-fetched, but stranger things have happened in American politics. It's actually quite clever when you think about it.

John McCain realized quite early that he could not win re-election to the Senate if he campaigned on his actual record – that is, if he campaigned as who he is. So, he arranged to be kidnapped and secluded in a five-star resort in Fiji while a well-groomed look-alike, McCain 2.0, campaigns in his place.

McCain 2.0 is campaigning as a strong, unapologetic Reagan conservative. He is now opposed to illegal immigration and wants 3,000 National Guard troops sent to the Mexican border. The real John McCain would gag on that speech, so he has to be 10,000 miles away. He reportedly spends his days on Fiji divided between watching old James Cagney movies and writing his next book, "With Apologies Galore."

The mainstream media are not blind; they realize this is not the real John McCain. But they are playing along with the charade. It's the least they can do to help their favorite "maverick" deal with his "lunatic right-wing base."

Yet a funny thing happened on the way to the scripted victory dance. Despite a fawning press and a huge money advantage, the most recent Rasmussen Poll shows former Rep. J. D. Hayworth is now only 5 points behind McCain 2.0. Conservative activists in Arizona are not following the script.

I confess, I have my doubts that the impostor McCain 2.0 can keep up the real McCain hidden for 14 more weeks. McCain 2.0 has called for 3,000 National Guard troops to be sent to the border and 700 miles of border fencing – and has endorsed the new Arizona law giving vast new powers to local police agencies to arrest illegal aliens. This is truly an act worthy of an Academy Award for best performance in political theater.

But 2010 is no ordinary election year. The natives are restless, and conservatives in Arizona are asking hard questions and demanding McCain debate Hayworth face-to-face. Can the McCain impostor stay on message and win over skeptical conservatives in debates and town-hall meetings?

McCain 2.0 has deployed formidable allies imported from Washington, D.C. His insider friends have arranged for endorsements that any Republican would be proud of. You need Sarah Palin to campaign for you? No problem. After all, she owes you big-time, and illegal immigration is not a big deal in Alaska.


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