Sunday, April 25, 2010

EMERGENCY; Warning to All U.S.A. Citizens (Video)

I came across the following video this morning, which I decided to share with you. It was posted just prior to the 2008 election. With this kind of information out there in the cyber-universe, isn't it weird that Obama was still elected? No, maybe not weird, because too many people don't seem to have the prescience to know what all the many signs of who and what Obama is would lead to... Or, maybe they just weren't aware of all the pieces of the puzzle and couldn't see the whole picture. And of course, the Obama minions would definitely not have heard Sarah Palin's warnings about Obama, nor would they understand what Obama meant went he told Joe the Plumber that he would spread the wealth around.

The unrepentant domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, now has the person he needs in the Oval Office in order to begin implementation of his Marxist plans. What plans, you say? Watch the video. It is MORE than chilling.

However, I am sure that some people will say it's way over the top, nothing like that could ever happen. Of course not. I am sure a lot of Germans and Russians said the same thing last century! Many of them were unfortunately wrong.

From the (slightly edited) video description:

October 24, 2008 — Ayers and Obama have worked together on books for at least 21 years, and have cooperated in funneling tens of millions of dollars to leftist indoctrination programs for youth. All this you may have already known. What is even more chilling is this expose' on how William Ayers is planning to implement their mutual Marxist ideology, should Ayers attain influence on Obama through their long standing relationship.

Larry Grathwohl penetrated the Weather Underground to bring this fist hand account of Ayers' (and the Weather Underground's) plans. As you may know, Ayers remains unrepentant to this day, and lives just a few houses away from Barack Hussein Obama. Obama's flimsy and ever-shifting denials of his relationship with Ayers have all but completely disintegrated. Furthermore, the prime backer of Obama, Khalid Al Mansour, was a legal assistant to the Black Panther Party (with an office next door). It is known from testimony of Weather Underground members that the BPP and Weather Underground worked "very closely" together. Therefore it it likely that Mansour (who was advising Obama even before he moved from Hawaii, under the tutelage of Communist agent Frank Marshall Davis), was working with Ayers and Dohrn simultaneously.

Video provided by livingonplanetZ

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