Monday, April 26, 2010

What if ... ? ~ By Joseph Farah

Once again, Joseph Farah brings up the constitutional eligibility issue regarding the President. Please keep in mind that he isn't saying that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, or that he was born in Kenya. It is an issue, though, that Obama refuses to provide proof of his natural born birth. His writings do not make Joseph Farah a "birther."

Now, in this piece, Joseph asks about what would happen if it is ever found that Obama is NOT eligible under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution. Good questions, because it may be for some of the points he makes that there is such extreme effort by some to avoid knowing the truth!

I happened to come across a couple columns a day or two ago that relate to the issues that Farah brings up. You should check these out, as they may offer additional insight as to Farah's curiosity:

DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office ~ By JB Williams
The Bottom Line on Natural Born Citizen ~ By JB Williams

There may be subterfuge to obscure the truth. But we will find out sooner rather than later.

And when we do, there are going to be many people running for cover. Obama didn't make it as far as he did without help.

Might some of those people see the handwriting on the wall before 2012 and seek to limit the damage – to both the country and to themselves?
By Joseph Farah

Posted: April 25, 2010 ~ 10:19 pm Eastern

© 2010

As I have said many times, I don't know if Barack Obama is constitutionally eligible to be president.

And the truth is, not many people do.

A recent CBS/New York Times Poll showing only 58 percent of Americans believe Obama was born in the USA makes the point.

When 58 percent of Americans think the president was born in America, you know Obama has a credibility problem – especially given the fact than 99.9 percent of the media has not only promoted the idea there is no question but ridiculed those who those who point out there is no evidence to support the idea.

Meanwhile, to cover the bases, state legislatures are adopting laws to prevent this kind of fiasco in the future – ensuring that in future elections presidential candidates are forced to prove they are constitutionally eligible, something that did not occur in 2008 with the Democratic nominee.

That means, as I have pointed out, if Obama seeks re-election, he will be required to prove he is qualified as a "natural born citizen."

What if he can't?

If he can't, he may not be able to seek re-election.

That would be quite a big story.

But it might be more than that.

If Obama doesn't seek re-election, might a newly reconstituted Congress call for an investigation to determine whether he was ever eligible to serve?

If it turns out he was not, every action Obama took during his term in office – from the signing of the health-care bill to his executive orders to his takeover of General Motors – will be null and void.

It's difficult even to imagine how the genie could be put in the bottle. To say the courts will be busy would be an understatement.

But might there be other ramifications?

Would Obama face charges?

While I might not know Obama's actual status, certainly he does. If it turns out he defrauded the entire nation, what would be the penalty?

And how about others who aided and abetted him in such a scam?


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