Tuesday, August 04, 2020

The Epstein Case Blows Up ~ Ep. 1310 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on youtube.com/Bongino or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the stunning release of troubling documents in the Jeffrey Epstein case. A lot of powerful people are sweating today. I also discuss the vicious fight coming to your front door that you’ll no longer be able to avoid.
The main take away from the episode is very simple.  It was very easy to pick up on during several of the segments.  Those on the Left are evil, sick, and pathetic ghouls.  I know, Dan wasn't talking about ALL Democrats, the people that actually vote for those losers on the Left, and that even watch and listen to their sick and twisted garbage that they put out on the mainstream media.  Why they continue to vote for the Leftist, evil Demonicrats, I just don't understand.  So, if you are one of those that can't get yourself to vote for Republicans, can I ask you some questions?

First of all, just why do you continue to watch the mainstream media news stations like CNN, MSDNC (known as MSNBC), ABC, CBS and NBC?  Does it not bring you to despair, to hear thoughtless and ghoulish things regarding Herman Cain, just after he had passed?  Even though there is not  a shred of evidence, that is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, to say that he probably caught the Coronavirus at a Trump rally, people like Chris Cuomo on CNN bring it up just so they could bash President Trump for holding the rally.  And the Young Turd, Cenk, who mocked Herman Cain's spiritual beliefs?  Yep, you'll see it all in the video.  I hope that even Democrats that see this are appalled by their behavior, even while Herman's family was just starting the grieving process.  That is just sick.

But then, we also hear in this episode, how certain people like Bill Clinton ended up on Jeffrey Epstein's plane and island.  And that there were "young" girls involved, probably in their early teens.  Oh, don't worry, I already know that you will tell me that the mainstream media never reported on these bombshell stories, so it must not have happened.  Now, if it was a highly known Conservative that was spotted hanging out with Epstein and Maxwell, it would have been front page news, and would be for eternity.  And that could happen, but it would not look good for the Fake News mainstream media to report on a Conservative and not a Leftist Liberal.  Or, Democrat voters, would you ever notice that?

This would probably be a good time for me to just plug Dan's video of Ep. 1310.  You will learn a lot from this one.  I assure you, it may be more than you'd want to know.  But if you are left there wondering, if the FBI and Justice Department knew about the Epstein cases, why weren't they investigating with great fervor?   I had to ask that one, and hopefully you know, it was Obama's Justice Department.  Obama and his Demonicrat Administration were doing all they could to defeat President Trump, and then try to end his Presidency, and could it be that they were afraid this would all come out?  That has been my feeling all along!  Ghouls and evil entities live in the Dark, and Truth lives in the light.  Think about that before voting this November, please.


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