Sunday, August 09, 2020

Is Trump Setting a Trap for the Democrats? ~ Ep. 1316 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I address the big trap Trump is setting for the Democrats. I also address the real reason this Spygate co-conspirator is panicking.
In this episode, Dan discusses nine topics.  Yes, it did seem like a lot of material was covered, as I watched the entire episode for the second time, in trying to decide what issues to tackle in this post.  It wasn't easy, believe me!  Every segment was interesting!  I know that when you read this, and then you watch Episode 1316, you will wonder why I chose what I did, rather than something that brought you to attention when you are watching.  So, I'll try my best, here, with my most sincere and obliging intent to comment on various topics, or maybe just one major topic, while allowing you space to watch the episode and form your own opinions.

The first topic that I feel comfortable that I could comment on is the segment for which the title of this episode came from, "Is Trump Setting a Trap for the Democrats?"   Why, yes he did, and it is brilliant!  Of course, no good Demonicrat politician would read RedState, or watch The Dan Bongino Show, and probably had no idea that a trap was set for them!  When Mike Ford wrote the piece on Friday, August 7, posted at 5:30 a.m., it was before President Trump set the trap.  Mike's thought process was probably right on about what would happen should President Trump use Executive Orders to solve the problem of the Demonicrat reluctance to give the President a win on the legislation.  Good thinking by Ford, and for Dan to include the story in this segment.  

And then it did happen on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020:  The trap was sprung!  The Demonicrats fell right into it, and complained that the EO's signed by President Trump weren't helpful to many people.  Well, not to all the folks that Speaker Pelosi said that needed assistance.  What Chris Wallace did was to help in the Trump EO trap was to ask, why didn't Pelosi and Schumer work with the Republicans to get legislation done?  Epic take down of Pelosi, who for some reason didn't ever move her left arm, while the right hand was waving all over the place.  Oh, and the One Armed Speaker also mentions that the EOs were unconstitutional, as expected.  Which of course, either get back to negotiation, or go to court.  The Demonicrats lose.  President Trump wins, again!

You know what?  I've done enough writing for one day, along with further reading and investigating, and having a lot of thought about the trap.  I think I can confidently say that it is working, as I did above.  But now, what about all the other eight topics that were discussed?  I mean, like the terrible problems with mail in voting where there is not the necessary infrastructure to assure valid votes?  Or the horrible violation of human rights in Melbourne, Australia?  Terrible and tragic!  And why is Andrew Weissmann not being led off in silver bracelets for obstruction of justice?  Okay, you're going to have a lot to ponder on.  Now, go watch the full episode!


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