Wednesday, August 05, 2020

A Warning Everyone Needs to Hear About Biden ~ Ep. 1312 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the disturbing information I received from a source about the rapidly deteriorating condition of Joe Biden. I also address the latest troubling incident in the liberal culture war on America.
When Dan Bongino was introducing this show, and in his concluding remarks, Dan talked about Joe Biden's rapidly diminishing cognitive abilities, and the threat to us all when the government takes over health care.  Near the end of this episode, there was a situation in a British hospital, where the police were dragging a man away from his dying daughter, arresting him.  Folks, that could have been me, in a different situation, but with the same cause:  Government decisions that may have impaired my freedom and pursuit of happiness, and not being able to be with my dad very much in his last days.

As Dan has spoke about often in the last few months, sometimes decisions come down to bad outcomes, and worse outcomes.  I had to keep that wisdom with me since early in this year of 2020.  In Iowa, the nursing homes became locked down until further notice, in early March.  It was for the safety of the residents, many at very advanced ages, like my dad who had turned 100 years old last November.  That decision by my Governor angered me to a great extent.  There was a unanimous agreement that my siblings and I getting over to see my dad on a pretty regular basis, and kept his mind stimulated by playing a game called "Rummikub".  It seemed to work, considering he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's quite a few years ago (maybe 7 or 8?).  And for the first time in 75 years, he was alone, as my mom passed away in 2016.  (Why is it always in an election year?)

Well, I knew the consequences when the lockdown went into affect, and I had some very viscous thoughts at that time, that I ask the Lord to forgive me for.  There would not have been a good outcome had I done something, such as try to forcefully enter the facility.  I knew that.  And because jail never sounded appealing to me, I held myself back.  Yes, I fully analyzed the outcomes of doing this or that, but finally realized the PLUS side was that I could do nothing.  (Thank you, Greg Gutfeld, even though your book wasn't out yet, what you wrote was the strategy that I already knew about, from my own life experiences.)

And thank you Dan Bongino, for giving me something to do.  No, you didn't suggest that I did it, but you provided the thought stimulation that I needed to get through those last few months before my dad finally succumbed to his illness and old age.  Thankful, indeed, that my Dad was with us all the way through the ultimate pandemic lockdown, and we got to be with him as a family the day before Fathers Day in June 2020.  

So, what I really don't understand, knowing what my family has been through, I have to ask why Joe Biden's family is allowing Joe to be involved in this charade as the Demonicrat nominee?  Really?!  Do they honestly think that he could be elected as President of the most powerful country in human history in his condition?  And if he was elected, God forbid, how do they expect him to perform his duties?  Well, he couldn't.  So, what do the Demonicrats plan to do?  How do they expect people to react to a President that doesn't know what day it is?  Rhetorical question, if you watched this episode.  I don't think that the people want a figurehead Presidency, where a group is in the shadows, making decisions.  Right, a shadow government.  That is NOT what the American public is really hoping for.  Bad enough that we have a Deep State that tried a coup.  We're done with that kind of cow manure.    

While you are watching this episode, you will see Dan absolutely demolish the cancel culture.  Yes, the cancel culture that wants to burn Bibles and blur the meaning of reality, and our wonderful history.  Yes, we can LEARN from history.  If they take that out of the schools, canceling history, how are we going to be able to depend on our future generations to learn from history?  We definitely have to make it our goal to cancel the Cancel Culture.  Here's how:  Watch this episode!


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