Thursday, August 06, 2020

Why is the Media Hiding This Bombshell? ~ Ep. 1313 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the Democrats’ growing fears that Joe Biden is losing his grasp on the election, and reality. I also address the explosive evidence that the plot to take out the Trump team began as far back as 2007.
One of the most insidious ways of lying in the mainstream Fake News media is by omission.  I mean, really, if there was gaslighting going on, it is by the media telling us that Joe Biden is actually ahead in the polls (though he is losing his lead rapidly). But, they don't talk about the way Joe is losing his mental abilities.  So, you might say, "Wait a minute, there are so many other sources outside of the mainstream media, any idiot would know that." No, and instead of being an idiot, I would just say that it would be due more to ignorance.  

Some of us grew up with Walter Cronkite.  Or our parents watched one of three network newscasts on ABC, CBS or NBC, so we continue to watch those networks.  Believe it or not, some people never even get on the internet.  And now they have MSNBC and CNN, or even "The View," to go to on TV for their news.  No kidding, there are a lot of people out there that haven't taken the red pill yet.  "What's the red pill?" they might ask... Exactly my point.

So, right now, the MSM gaslighting is by not saying anything about the rapid decline in Joe Biden's mental cognizance, which Dan covers in this episode.  Of course, what is the one thing that would allow the general public know about Joe Biden's rapid decline?  The Debates, which always happen before Presidential elections, maybe?  It's not going to matter.  Soon, the mainstream Fake News media will eventually have to announce it.  In my humble opinion, I believe it will be soon, and before the election.  Somehow, they will come around, and as the Demonicrats figure out where to go from there, their media allies will go along with whatever they are told.  I can see it now!  "Joe Biden left the house a few nights ago, and hasn't been seen since.  It is feared that he may have gotten lost in the woods."

Well, now for some more serious information.  I love the parts where Dan explains crime statistics so well.  This is one of them.  Dan brilliantly illustrates how the paradoxical crime data can be explained.  Why are crimes like muggings, burglaries and home invasions down, and homicides are up?  My ears perk up when Dan has segments like this that involve various areas of law enforcement.  I never became a cop like I dreamed of doing for a career, but I still have a deep interest in any information that I gather about it.  (It may be one of the main reasons I started following the Dan Bongino Show!)

Okay, you got the gist of some of the episode, but go for it, watch it now.  Watch it all if you can!  I promise that you will always learn some new and interesting things when you watch Dan's shows or listen to his podcasts.  You're welcome.

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