Friday, August 07, 2020

The Democrats Get Caught in a Huge Lie ~ Ep. 1314 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the Democrats’ increasingly hostile attacks on the 2020 election along with their use of their media allies to promote debunked talking points. I discuss the mask debate and the “science” behind it.
The Joe Biden situation doesn't seem to be debatable anymore.  I am so very sorry, that has to be said.  Very truly, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family, I know what they are going through.  Dan is right about it, that Joe's cognitive abilities are declining pretty rapidly.  There is no way that he could perform the duties of the Commander-In-Chief.  The right thing for the Demonicrats to do would be to nominate somebody else to run, even if it is the Demonicrat Socialist, Bernie Sanders.  The Demonicrats would look a lot better in doing that, rather than putting Joe through any more of this charade.

Have you decided whether or not you favor mask mandates to slow the spread of the Covid-19?  Dan will bring more data to you about it to help you decide.  My mind is pretty much made up, and is just what Dan is saying.  Government mask mandates should just be out of the question.  I don't need the nanny state to make decisions for me that may or may not be the right ones. As I've written, "I do not need the government to legislate my happiness, or for that matter, my misery!!" That goes for common sense, too!  There are times when I wear it, like at the grocery store, where some people are more comfortable if I am wearing one.  

There is data, in the studies, that makes it pretty hard to convince me that wearing a mask will actually stop the spread.  My strategy is to not go out often.  That is my way of social distancing.  I'm retired, though I work at home, and so I limit my exposure to possible Coronavirus spreaders.  And I am at the age where I could be vulnerable, though if I do get the Covid-19, I would immediately want to be put on the Hydroxychloroquine+Azithromycin+Zinc cure.  It is like Dan says, we need to pay attention to the data, the science.  We need to quit paying attention to what Demonicrats and Fake News media says, since that is only based on saying the opposite of what President Trump says.  

Oh, by the way, open the schools back up.  It is a huge mistake to keep the kids out of school. And I plan to go to the voting booth to vote this year.  I'm kind of in the mood to give the Demonicrats the double-barreled flip-off on voting by mail.  Not going to happen, even though Iowa has a good Absentee Voter system.  And I'll save the local government some postage and administrative expenses.

Enjoy this episode!


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