Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Leftist Will Never Leave You Alone ~ Ep. 1300 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the troubling policy being pushed by radical leftists in the Senate which could become reality if Biden wins in 2020. I also discuss the mounting evidence that the Democrats’ efforts to keep your kids out of school are solely political.
Folks, I'm not kidding, this truly was the best episode I've seen yet! I love the fact that it was a very round number, 1300, but totally insignificant, I'm sure, unless you are really into numerology or some devilish thing... Yeah, 13... But here is something that I found so strangely significant for my own psychological wellbeing. Really. I swear that I didn't go back and add it in or anything, I didn't edit the previous blog to plug it in. I'm just telling you, it is weird, in a fascinating way.

As I was trying to finish my previous blog post that I wrote (now) yesterday, I ended the last paragraph with, "This part will knock your socks off, maybe even nuke your bagels. Dan hits it out of the park." Seriously, I had no idea how this episode would end, with Dan's final words, until I got a chance to watch this episode just now. So, obviously, Dan had not read my previous post yet, as I just got it done and posted it an hour or two ago. But for some reason, when I was writing a while ago, that phrase just came to me, that, "Dan hits it out of the park."  And then I saw this jam packed episode, and to end the week (it was last Friday), Dan tells that story at the very end of the show!  Definitely goose bumps kind of thing, you know?  (Oh, I guess you'll have to watch the episode for yourself to hear his "one more thing" story. Like on "The Five," which Dan guest hosted last week.)

As good as that was to fire me up, the first segment also had my attention, too.  I had no idea that Dan thinks about things like the "cashless society" thing.  Sounds like a conspiracy theory to many people out there, but it isn't.  It is something that I've mentioned to friends, decades ago, that would look at me and say, "Huh? You don't really believe in that BS conspiracy stuff, do you?"  And I would reply that I do, and explain to them how it would happen.  Like cooking a frog.  I have that line down pat.  Little did the skeptics know that we'd eventually have the internet, and that everyone would eventually be able to access it, even on their phone!  What should have helped people understand what I was talking about was when I wrote a series, long ago, and was able to post it to another blog that I manage.  I guess I wrote it originally in 2006.  I don't think I was too far off, to call that series, "Setting the Stage."  Everything happens very incrementally.  For those of you that like to read, you may want to check that out.

I wasn't expecting to write another post tonight, so I'll end it this way, with my own, "One More Thing." I don't know if Dan Bongino will ever know of my writing about his show.  That's okay, really, but in a way, I wish he would know.  I would love for him to know how much he has touched my life over the last 5 months.  My heroes in life have become people that take our First Amendment rights very seriously, that love this country, that try to inform us with accurate information and well thought out commentary.  My list of those people that I really respect and admire is way too long to list here, though my Dad would truly be one of the patriots I most admire.  They are always in my prayers, every last one of them.  They keep me going, and I'm sure, have a lot to do with keeping America going.  God bless them, and God bless America!

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