Friday, April 03, 2020

What If The Experts Are Wrong? ~ Ep. 1220 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his show notes:
In this episode, I address the stunning failures by the experts to give us accurate information on the Coronavirus, and the disastrous decisions being made as a result of the bad data. I also address the media’s efforts to hide their constantly changing stories about the collusion hoax, and the Wuhan Virus.
So, let me get this straight:  The media, back in January, and, wait a minute... yes, even in February, were saying that everything was okay, we'll be fine, nothing to see here, we can totally trust the Chinese, and if you don't, you're a racist.  Does that sound about right?  I mean, the videos are out there, and that sure seems to be what I remember.

And, then, somebody yells "fire!" in a crowded theatre and there is a mad rush to shut down our entire country, and our economy is what gets set on fire, and not in a good way.  In this episode, Dan explains how that could all happen.  The media, I'm afraid, suddenly remembered Rahm Emanuel's words, "Don't ever let a crisis go to waste."  Oh, don't you worry, ladies and gentlemen, Dan Bongino clearly has the video evidence.  Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), House Majority Whip, is "Tapped to Chair Coronavirus Committee after Calling Pandemic ‘Tremendous Opportunity’ to Achieve Dem Spending Goals"… The narrative has completely reversed.  And it is totally for having the ability of advancing their Leftist agenda.  Just like that, a click of the finger, and the leftist media just goes along with it... of course.

Here is something that has been making me very sad...  No, wait, that's depression.  Let me rephrase that:  Something that makes me angry.  Why did they have to shut down our economy for this? Was it necessary?  Maybe it was because the Chinese didn't share accurate information with us.  Yes, the Wuhan Virus Pandemic was very real, but data that seems to be coming in may be showing us something very different than first thought.  While being highly contagious, most people that had the virus had very little problem with it, barely any symptoms at all!  And, some people that had underlying health conditions, died from it.   Those people could have self-quarantined, and probably been safe. Had we known, or been willing to actually understand it, I'm not so sure that EVERYTHING had to be shut down.

So, I leave you with that question tonight.  Has there been a major overreaction due to some faulty data and models?  Could it have been caused by the Leftist media, and Demonicrat politicians, that saw an opportunity to get their agenda into law?  I am guessing you know how I feel, and how Dan Bongino feels.  I'm feeling that many of you have the same questions and thoughts.

For Ep. 1220 Show Notes, click here.

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