Monday, April 20, 2020

Don’t Let the Democrats Get Away With This ~ Ep. 1232 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his Show Notes:
In this episode, I address the disturbing reasons that the radical left wants to continue the destructive economic shutdowns. I also address Nancy Pelosi's troubling appearance on Fox News this weekend. Finally, I address explosive new information on the Spygate case.
I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure I've been aware of what the Demonicrats have been doing to keep the shutdown going, and was pretty sure of the reasons and motivation. Of course, in the first segment of this episode, Dan reassured me that my thoughts are on the money. I've been aware of their plans, but Dan provided me with plenty of "receipts" to support my analysis. You won't need a microscope, not even a magnifying glass, to be able to drill down to see their obvious motivation, which is to hurt President Trump's chance of reelection as much as possible.

And there may be something I had not really contemplated, that the radical left Demonicrats also want to make their base even angrier with the Conservative media outlets; and worse yet, to smear the "deplorable" patriots that support the President. That is almost always part of their campaign. They want to say the President and the Conservative media, like Fox News, or Dan Bongino, are going to cause rioting in the streets. And, the Demonicrats want us to all look like buffoons' for not taking the Wuhan Virus outbreak seriously. Dan was on Fox & Friends with Steve, Ainsley and Brian, early this (Monday) morning. You can see that segment here.  It all seems to come together now.

Folks, the next part of this episode is dedicated to explaining some of the latest revelations in the Spygate saga.  I'm not even going to try to describe this as something that I can completely grasp.  For sure, I'm learning about it as I watch this show, but I definitely wouldn't describe my personal experience as any kind of expertise.  However, maybe I can say that Dan Bongino is giving me enough information to know that what happened to President Trump in his first term was a tragedy.  No, not anything he did, but what the leftist politicians tried to do to him, to diminish his ability to run the country... even though he did very well, considering all of that!  But, trust me, the more you watch the Dan Bongino Show, the more you will understand how viscous and treasonous the efforts have been.

And now, because they couldn't do away with President Trump, not even the hard way, the Left is coming after us.  And that is why I think it is the first part of this video that is so important.  I leave that with you to ponder on.

Please see Dan's Show Notes for his News Picks!

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