Monday, April 06, 2020

What Really Went Down Last Week ~ Ep. 1221 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Bongino Show's description of this episode on or in his show notes:
In this episode, I address the stunning connections between the man Trump fired on Friday and the soft coup plotters. I also address the Democrats’ next shameful move to take out Trump, using their own words.
Take special note of this quote of the subtitle of the story by Daniel Payne (see below): "True numbers of Americans hospitalized with coronavirus appear to be tens of thousands lower than model's projections."  So, what's the problem with that?  As you watch Dan's show, you might see a little bit of concern that he has, that maybe there was incorrect data, or models, and that the way the country was shut down may have gone a bit too far.

Which happens to be my overall concern, and I am not sure that I trust quite everyone on the President's Coronavirus Task Force.  I just wonder if any of them happen to be secretly Never-Trumpers?  Or, maybe some that would have any little bit of a desire for a panic, so that the central government can take over more functions?  I don't know, but watch this episode and see if I'm wrong.  I could be.  However, I don't trust bureaucrats in the government any more than I trust the Demonicrats in Congress.  Oh, wait, he has a block in this episode about their narratives, too!

Like, in the last few weeks, as I have noticed, Dan HAS THE RECEIPTS, the video evidence of the Demonicrats and Leftist stupid fake news media, portraying the President going way too far to ban travel from China, obviously racist, and oh-my-gosh baloney that the flu was by far more dangerous. Yes, you will see the "receipts" in a supercut put out on a great Twitter account, @tomselliott.  When you see how the Left came out with "a new story," (a narrative, but not THE story!), it didn't happen with a drip-drip-drip dribble of stories, but much more like hitting a switch. Why?  Because, like the instructions go, per Rahm Emanuel, "Never let a crisis go to waste," and suddenly the Demonicrats realized that the more severe the crisis of the Wuhan Coronavirus PANicDEMonICrat is, the more that they can get socialist policies through.  Oh, yes, Dan has the "receipts" (super-cuts video) for that, too.

Of course, this episode is jam packed, but I just wanted to give you a little heads up before you click the play button.  For those of you that have been following Dan for awhile, you will get everything he is saying in this episode.  The Bongino Audience is on top of it! Dan Bongino, we're NOT going to let your media on the Fakebook and other social media be silenced. Great show!


(Here is one of the stories that Dan wants you to read):

(Complete Show notes for Ep. 1221 can be seen here)

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