Monday, November 16, 2020

The Left is Terrified of This Question About the 2020 Election ~ Ep. 1394 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the troubling issues with the software used to tabulate the 2020 election. Explosive new information is emerging that must be investigated.

Dear Mr. Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.,

You are very lucky that I'm such a swell guy.  While being under attack for nearly four years, with false allegations coming at me on a constant basis, attacking my friends with incredibly flimsy prosecutions (Think:  General Mike Flynn), and hatred for what we stand for, I do forgive easily, but I don't forget.  I especially won't forget that your supporters, the Antifa terrorists that are "just an idea," and their Marxist friends in that other group we are investigating, who were attacking peaceful families of protestors over the weekend.  Please keep in mind that I have my supporters, and they don't work in the mainstream media, but many of them have become heroic citizen journalists.  The stories of what you have done with your Biden Crime Family are out there.  And now, news of the very fraudulent election vote counting and other "conspiracy theories," are getting out there, despite your friends at Fakebook and Twitter and other platforms, adding warnings to their tweets and posts about the truth.

Here is the idea, Mr. Biden, and you can accept this, or not, it is up to you.  If I were you, I'd give this some serious thought.  Have you woken up at night, and wondered if that was John Durham and AG Barr knocking at your door?  Do you wonder if that day is coming?  You see, you don't know.  The American public doesn't even know, because we've eliminated the leaks to the Mainstream Fake News Media.  Do you want to be the first "President-elect" to be seen doing a perp walk?  I have a simple solution for you.

We have to do this so that the mainstream media can not hide it.  You will need to go in front of the Judiciary Committee of the U. S. Senate, and confess to all malfeasance over the years, so that it is in permanent public record, including when you were a Senator and when you were Vice President, and now, in the election fraud cases that can and will be brought against you and/or the Demonicrat National Committee.  You will then have to permanently forfeit all benefits you receive from Senate and Vice President pensions, along with any Secret Service protection.  And of course, concede the election, because it appears that vote counting has been compromised.

As President of the United States, should you accept the plea bargain I am offering you, I will give you and your whole Biden Crime Family complete Presidential Pardon. If you would like to flip on your controllers, such as the Clintons, Barack Obama, and George Soros, you'll receive an extra bonus:  You will be allowed to apply for food stamps and your Social Security benefits.

* * *

If President Trump were to send the above letter to Biden, that would be magnificent!  Come on, man!  After what I am learning about what has been perpetrated on the American people with the way this election was run?  How could I not think of something like this!?  While Dan toasted our muffins with the information in this episode, he still comes up with really good solutions to preventing it from happening again.  And it will take us, those citizen journalists, even a post on your "fakebook" page, to help by getting the word out there!  If taking this election with a grain of salt, and consider the media correct to be anointing Biden as President-Elect is okay with you, you do your thing.  I'm taking a really hard pass on that idea.  That's just me, but I'm following it all.  If you think I'm wrong, you would have a hard time proving that.

When I started writing this post, I was very fired up.  I'm always game for the episodes that Dan nukes our bagels.  This one did it.  That explains all the neutrons floating around my house right now. But I have to say, his solutions sound good to me!

Because I know that Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here, I'm still a little hesitant when it comes to using Rumble's java script embedding code in my blogs.  That is why I'm still using the YouTube embedded video of the episode so you can see it here on this page. However, that being said, here is the link to the video of this episode so that you can watch it on!  Please do that for Dan if you can.  It will really help him, as he explains at the end of this episode. 

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